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A programme team, Department, School, or Faculty may deem it appropriate to video record assessments to support internal marking, moderation, and/or External Examiner oversight. Recorded assessments may include for example:

  • Performances
  • Oral assessments
  • Laboratory Practical assessments
  • OSCEs (Objective Structured Clinical Examination)
  • Presentations
  • Pitches

In this context and in compliance with GDPR:

  • Students will be notified in advance that the assessment will be recorded.
  • Students will be informed about the purpose of the recording, its use, and the length of time it will be retained.
  • The recorded content will only be made available to those deemed necessary for marking and moderating student assessed work.

Students may not opt out of appearing in recordings for summative activities that form part of a programme award unless a student has an exemption under Reasonable Adjustments Recommendations.

Ulster Terms & Conditions will make clear to students that assessments may be recorded for quality assurance purposes.

Students will accept this as a condition.

Recordings of assessments will be retained for the period stipulated in the University’s records retention and disposal schedule 2.6.