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Retention of exam scripts, coursework and feedback

  • Retention of Examinations

    Examination data is considered as an individual’s personal data under GDPR therefore individual students have the right to access their examination data if it is held by the University. While examination scripts are exempted from data protection access rights, examination personal data includes provisional and agreed marks or overall results of assessed work, the associated feedback, and notes about individual candidates from Examination Boards.

    Programme teams are responsible for the safe retention of examination scripts while they are under their control. Scripts will be retained for 6 months following the relevant Board of Examiners. For the purposes of archiving and review, samples may be retained for longer periods. Student marks are retained for 6 years following completion of a student’s module or course. Boards of Examiners and External Examiner reports are retained for 6 years. Module teams will have access to online exam submissions while they retain access to their Blackboard module areas. Historical drop boxes can also be accessed within Turnitin.

    Where a student will benefit from examination feedback to improve performance and exam technique, the student can make an office hours appointment with a relevant member of staff. The staff member should review the examination script with the student highlighting errors, strengths, gaps, poor technique, etc. Under no circumstances should the student take a script away or be left alone with either a paper-based or online script.

    The Examinations Office share exam scripts with the library at the end of each semester following the examination period.

    Past exam papers can be accessed online by Ulster University staff and students and with a user ID and network password.

    Exam papers can be searched by course reference number (CRN), module number or keywords in the module description.

  • Retention of Coursework

    Submitted coursework is the physical property of the University. Subject to University regulations on intellectual property, students retain the copyright and intellectual property of the coursework submitted for any form of assessment.

    It is common practice to return coursework to students for feedback purposes. Students should always be given the opportunity to discuss their work and feedback with the member of staff privately.

    Programme teams are responsible for the safe retention of assessment documents while they are under their control. Retention schedules are as follows:

    • Assessment papers - retained for current academic year + 5 years.
    • Completed Exam Scripts – retained until completion of exam +6 months.
    • Individual student feedback on academic progress and general academic guidance – retained until end of student relationship +6 years.
    • Records documenting submitted/completed summative assessments – retained until confirmation of marks/grades +6 months.
    • External Examiner Liaison – retained for termination of appt + 1 year.
    • BoE and EE reports – retained for current academic year + 6 years.