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The nature and consequencesof failure in assessment are identified within General Programme Regulations or within Programme Specifications, where these are required by PSRB. The module handbook must provide guidance on how a failed module is to be reassessed and should be made  available in Blackboard.

Reassessment of coursework at levels 3 and 4 will typically involve the re-working of the original assessment task to enable students to reflect on and respond to feedback received.

Reassessment of coursework at other levels may involve either a re-working of the original task or the completion of a new task depending on the nature, size, and scope of the coursework and the relative risks of collusion.

Reassessment of examinations will typically require a new resit examination.

The Module Coordinator is responsible for determining the appropriate method of re-assessment. Methods should be raised and discussed at validation/revalidation panels to consider mitigating potential risks of collusion.

Students are permitted to retake repeat/deferred modules at the earliest available opportunity.

Typically, a new drop box should be made available to relevant students in Blackboard Ultra for resubmission purposes.