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Students are expected to submit all components of assessment on time, as detailed in the handbook for each module. All coursework should be submitted through Blackboard Ultra , except where this is not practicable on account of the nature of the assignment.

Students must ensure they have read and comply with the academic misconduct policy in relation to the production and submission of assessments.

They should be made aware that in submitting an assessment they are confirming they have read and comply with the academic misconduct policy.

Coursework shall be submitted by approved dates as specified on the programme assessment schedule within the Programme handbook.

The university has harmonised assessment submission days and times. All assessments will from 2024/25 be submitted:

  • Monday – Friday.
  • Not during published vacation periods for the programme.
  • Not on Bank Holidays or a day that the University is closed.
  • All assessment submissions should be scheduled by 12pm (noon) UK time.

Programme teams must indicate that submission dates and times are in GMT UK time. Overseas Affiliate colleges will use the equivalent time for submission.

These requirements ensure that students will be able to access support at the university in the immediate run up and post submission.

Coursework Submission Methods

  • Online Submission

    To ensure a consistent experience for students, online submission assignments should be used, where practical and appropriate.

    Academic staff should set up assignment submission points within their modules in Blackboard Ultra. These should be contained within a clearly defined content area within the Blackboard Ultra Module area that is consistently named. Ulster’s Blackboard Ultra template uses the term ‘Assessment and Feedback’, and it is recommended that the following naming convention is used.

    Coursework # Title (##%) for example:

    • Coursework 1: Reflective Journal (30%)
    • Courswork 2: Portfolio (70%)

    Clear instructions should be added to the drop box, providing information about the assignment expectations and how to contact the academic team with any queries.

    Students must comply with the following declaration at the point of submission:

    Student declaration

    I declare that this is all my own work. Any material I have referred to has been accurately referenced and any contribution of Artificial Intelligence technology has been fully acknowledged. I have read the University’s policy on academic misconduct and understand the different forms of academic misconduct. If it is shown that material has been falsified, plagiarised, or I have otherwise attempted to obtain an unfair advantage for myself or others, I understand that I may face sanctions in accordance with the policies and procedures of the University. A mark of zero may be awarded and the reason for that mark will be recorded on my file.

    Blackboard Ultra supports a range of online submission options mainly Blackboard Assignment and Turnitin. The Blackboard Assignment tool allows submission of multiple file types, group work, peer review, video, audio and draft work. The tool also supports the widest variety of marking and feedback options including video, audio and digital annotation.

    Note : Turnitin is a third-party tool and can be susceptible to instability at peak times. Using core Blackboard tools reduces the risk of instability.

    If your assessment design requires specific functionality, the Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement (CDLE) can provide guidance to help select the most appropriate technology. CDLE can also provide support and guidance for making reasonable adjustments and for inclusive assessment design. Online guidance is available at assessment types

    For extenuating circumstances (EC1), CDLE recommends using a separate submission drop box.


    • How to create an offline submission and use it to mark physical /live assessments: guidance and video tutorial

    For further information and support in relation to setting up assessments on Blackboard please contact The Centre for Digitial Learning Enhancement.

  • Non electronic Submission

    It is recognised that there will be occasions when assessment cannot practically be submitted online, and exceptions are expected. Where assessment could be submitted online, any exemptions should be agreed by discussion at the local level with the Head of School, and with Dean Learning Enhancement and PVC (AQSE). Requests can be made via

    Non-electronic forms of submission may be due to:

    1. Lack of suitability for online submission
      • Some forms of written assessment may not be suitable for online submission. Decisions on inclusion/exemption of forms of written assessment will be based on local discussion with the Head of School and Associate Dean (AQSE)
      • Some Dissertations may not be suitable for online submission and feedback
      • Where an exemption applies, alternative arrangements will be put in place for the submission
      • In these instances, academic teams must still use the Gradebook within Blackboard Ultra to return student marks and feedback
    1. Reasonable adjustment or other accessibility matter. 

    For non-electronic submissions, students should know:

    • Where, when and to whom work must be submitted.
    • Acceptable formats of submission and other procedural requirements.
    • Students must be issued with dated proof of submission. An example submission sheet is provided in appendix 5.

    If an assessment is practical in nature, marks and feedback must be recorded in Blackboard Ultra to ensure that students have the most complete and accessible route to feedback.  Feedback should include the associated assessment rubric/marking criteria to indicate how marks were allocated.

    Responsibility for the receipt of coursework lies with the Module Coordinator. Faculties/School policy will clarify responsibilities for managing the process based on the academic, administrative and technical staff resources available.

    Coursework Coversheet

  • Late Submission

    Students should be made aware of the rationale for assessment deadlines within the University context and the need to manage student cohorts fairly. Late coursework submissions may impact on the timely progression of students through examinations boards and the overall management of student and staff workloads. Additionally, the timely submission of work requires the organisational and time management skills expected by future professions and employers.

    Late Submission of Coursework 

    Coursework must be submitted by the dates specified. Coursework submitted after the deadline, without prior approval, is not normally accepted.

    The Programme/Subject Director is the member of staff authorised to approve requests for late submissions, on behalf of the Course/Subject Committee. Students who fail to submit coursework, whether or not this is due to authenticated medical or compassionate circumstances, must notify their Course/Subject Director by the date on which the coursework was due to be submitted.

    Where a student fails to submit coursework owing to extenuating circumstances, or where a student considers that their performance has been affected by extenuating circumstances, they should ensure that written medical evidence or evidence of other circumstances is presented to the Programme/Subject Director by the date on which the work was due to be submitted.

    It is the student's responsibility to submit all relevant information regarding extenuating circumstances preferably on form EC1 (obtainable from the relevant Faculty Office or School Office). Information supplied after the deadline may not be taken into account.

    Where coursework is adversely affected as a direct result of a disability-related cause, this should not unjustifiably impede a student’s subsequent academic progress. It is important that the practical arrangements for submission of assignments are transparent and fully accessible for students with disabilities. The procedures relating to extenuating circumstances should not present a barrier to equality. Flexible deadlines for coursework may be considered to accommodate the needs of these students.

  • Changing Submission Due Dates

    Programme assessment schedules are approved at the point of validation and revalidation. Schedules are also included in Programme and Module Handbooks available to students. Planned changes to assessment schedules will be approved via the CA3 process. Members of the programme team are not permitted to cancel approved assessment elements at short notice or change the agreed due date of an examination or major piece of coursework (element) without the prior approval of the appropriate Associate Dean (AQSE) or, in their absence, the Dean of Learning Enhancement. A sound rationale must be provided for changing the due date and in such cases, the date will be extended to ensure students are not disadvantaged.  The relevant Associate Dean or Dean of Learning Enhancement will report such changes to the PVC for Academic Quality Student Experience (during regular update meetings) for central recording.