Essential information will be made known to students through their programme of study and in advance of each assessment task.
Staff and students should aim to work collaboratively to develop a shared understanding of the purpose of assessment and the associated marking criteria.
At a module level, key information will be made available from day one of the module, allowing students to make decisions about how they approach the assessment and the standards to which they are expected to conform.
In each module handbook, it is expected that students will be provided with:
- Module learning outcomes, showing alignment with relevant programme level outcomes, the associated assessment task(s) and marking criteria/rubrics. Students should be clear about what constitutes a good performance in a particular assessment.
- Explicit, transparent, and timely assessment briefs including assessment weightings, workload/wordcount and associated marking criteria where appropriate.
- An approved, timely and accurate schedule of summative assessment elements.
- Timely, regular, and accessible formative feedback opportunities to enhance assessment literacy and learner development.
- Explicit information on submission deadlines, the procedures for submission, processes for reasonable adjustments, and the schedule for summative feedback.
- Explicit information on late submissions and the Extenuating Circumstances process.
- The date, time and collection point of any marked physical artefacts with feedback.
- A schedule of relevant assessment tutorials.
- Contact details for relevant module team members, Study Advisors and Academic, and Wellbeing support Services.
- Information on the nature and implications of academic misconduct.
Assessment information will be provided to students through relevant University regulations, any specific programme regulations, programme/subject and module handbooks and Blackboard Ultra learning spaces.
Policies and regulations will be reinforced throughout the duration of a programme and will be explicit, transparent, and accessible to all intended audiences.
Timely feedback and feedforward will be issued to students to help them gauge and enhance their performance in each assessment task.