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Ulster University recognises the need to support and develop its staff in order for them to fully achieve their potential not only in the early stages of their careers but throughout their employment.

Our aim is to provide a supportive environment for all with a learning and teaching role, to develop, reflect and articulate their effective approaches to practice aligned to the PSF 2023, and which is institutionally relevant, sector informed, and underpinned by the following principles:

  • Alignment to Ulster L&T Strategy
  • Preparing, supporting and sustaining staff readiness to effectively support Ulster learners in higher education through a collaborative, learner-centred, inclusive, active and participative model.
  • To promote professional dialogue about L&T, within communities of practice at Ulster and beyond, in order to inform, develop and enhance practice.

To facilitate this the ENHANCE Fellowship Scheme has been developed to provide, a globally benchmarked, process for Ulster staff to be able to demonstrate their professionalism and commitment to developing and enhancing teaching and learning support practices through gaining HEA Fellowship in all categories. Applicants will draw from their experiences to demonstrate inclusive and effective practice aligned with the requirements for:

  • Associate Fellowship (AFHEA)
  • Fellowship (FHEA)
  • Senior Fellowship (SFHEA)
  • Principal Fellowship (PFHEA)

The ENHANCE Scheme is aligned to the Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (2023) and has been accredited by Advance HE (September 2023 - August 2027)

Over 500 staff have gained a category of Fellowship through the ENHANCE Scheme. By 2023, over 86% of relevant staff at Ulster hold a category of Fellowship. This includes growing numbers of professional support staff who have been successful in making Fellowship applications.

Fellowship Category Tool

If you are interested in gaining Fellowship, Advance HE  have now launched a new Fellowship Category Tool that might help you to decide which category of fellowship suits you best.

Applying for Fellowship

To apply for Fellowship your first steps are:

Step 1: General Guide, Briefing workshops and Readiness Audit

Use the AHE Fellowship Category tool to help select the correct online briefing for your experience. If you have less than three years’ experience in teaching and/or learning support in higher education you should look at our taught routes to Fellowship, see First Steps and PgCHEP

This General Handbook provides some introductory information about the ENHANCE Fellowship Scheme and the application process.

Workshops provide detailed information on the PSF, the application process and ongoing support. You will also have an opportunity to conduct an initial Readiness Audit to identify and be confident in your level of preparedness for recognition and the most appropriate category of Fellowship to apply for.

Briefing dates

Briefing dates, details and how to book are available from the Events and Opportunities web page.

If you require further advice please email

Step 2: Registering for recognition

Following attendance at a workshop you should complete the ENHANCE Scheme Registration Form (emailed to you post workshop). You will then be provided with access to the Blackboard Learn course area and alerted to all available support sessions.

Step 3: Action planning – building a case for recognition

Once you have registered on the ENHANCE Scheme you will need to build a case for the category of Fellowship you wish to attain. Your key objective is to provide evidence to the ENHANCE Scheme Panel that demonstrates that you have met the Descriptor criteria for the category of Fellowship that you are applying for.

Step 4: ENHANCE Scheme on-going support sessions

Regular support is available and advertised through the ENHANCE Scheme BBL Area, attend as many of these as you wish to support your application process.

  • Online Mentoring Network (AFHEA/FHEA)
  • Individual Mentoring (SFHEA/ PFHEA)
  • Sessions (held online):
    • Identifying your L&T Leadership, Influence and Impact
    • Identifying your evidence base and influences: professional learning, pedagogy and impact data
    • Writing Retreats
    • The Final Stages

Step 5: Your application

Before each deadline an Intention to Submit Form will be shared, you should complete this if you feel you are ready to submit your application you can do so via the BBL Panel Deadline Dropbox (dates listed on Blackboard Learn – normally 3-4 deadlines per year).

Your application will then be progressed and, where relevant, a date set for your assessed professional conversation. Outcomes will be confirmed  approximately 6 weeks after the deadline.