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Educational Leadership


School of Biomedical Sciences


Dr Patrick Naughton is Senior Lecturer in Medical Microbiology at Ulster and a HEA Senior Fellow. He had held a number of subject leadership positions in the School of Biomedical Sciences including Course Director and Subject Head. He has successful led significant programme revalidation exercises for undergraduate Biomedical Science provision (2008) and post-graduate Biomedical Science provision (2008, 2013 and 2017) and his sustained leadership has contributed significantly to the development of professional Biomedical Science education at Ulster. He has worked closely over a number of years with local Biomedical Scientist practitioners in the Northern Ireland Health and Social Care (HSC) Service and nationally with both the Institute of Biomedical Medical Science (IBMS) and Academy for Clinical Science and Laboratory Medicine (ACSLM) influencing developments, particularly in expanding the areas of accreditation in Ulster post-graduate Biomedical Science education provision. He continues to lead local Practitioner Lecturers in the development and delivery of Biomedical Professional Practice in the School of Biomedical Science and he directs the successful MSc Biomedical Science (online distance learning) programme.