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Dr Sian-Lee Ewan

Senior Clinical Lecturer in GP Education, School of Medicine.

Combining medical education alongside her clinical practice, Dr Sian-Lee Ewan leads GP Education for the MBBS programme within the School of Medicine.

As part of the School of Medicine from the initial Development team to now 3 years into the MBBS Programme, she has established high quality primary care learning environments across NI and built a community of practice amongst GP tutors. Her pedagogic approach to learning and teaching was impacted by how learning was shaped by context and community. This has informed the new longitudinal integrated GP placement programme which incorporates novel meaningful roles for medical students within General Practice to promote the development of their professional identity.

Dr Ewan’s work has focussed on maximising placement learning. Informed by the cycle of experiential learning she has incorporated a reflective strand into the 4 years of the GP Placement programme through the use of facilitated reflective sessions, placement debrief workshops and individual portfolio reflections.

Dr Ewan co-founded the Northern Ireland GP Clinical Placement Alliance (NIGPCPA) which seeks to expand the capacity for high quality undergraduate medical education across Northern Ireland in collaboration with the Department of Health. Amongst this activity, she has introduced new GP Module Lead positions to further maximise placement learning.

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