What is it for?
The Distinguished Collaborative Education Excellence Fellowship is awarded to teams who have a track record of supporting learning in HE and can demonstrate a team-based initiative that demonstrates highly effective problem solving or innovation that benefited from the team approach and has led to positive impact on L&T. In particular, the collaboration will be directly related to the Principles that underpin and the Qualities that feature Ulster's learning, teaching and the student experience.
The purpose of the award is to recognise, reward and celebrate staff teams who support learning excellence and to create a proactive learning community within Ulster.
Up to three awards are normally available.
Distinguished Collaborative Education Excellence Fellows will be expected to share their experience and practice with colleagues at Ulster supported by the Learning Enhancement Directorate.
Who is eligible?
- Any teams made up of members of staff who teach/support learning and who have made a meaningful contribution to the collaboration.
- Teams may include students and or external partners who have contributed to the team's aim and objectives
- A Team will represent the core team and normally consist of a minimum of 3 and maximum of 15 members
- All team leads, and normally all team members, should have achieved AFHEA, or another category of HEA fellowship, at the time of making their application.
Teams should provide a 2500-word Reflective Statement and Case Study on their particular contribution to collaborative excellence through a team-based initiative that demonstrates highly effective problem solving or innovation that benefited from the team approach and has led to positive impact on L&T at Ulster University.
Submissions should be endorsed by the Team Lead’s Line Manager to confirm the veracity of the claims made within the application.
How is the award judged?
The award scheme is judged by a panel chaired by the Dean of Learning Enhancement and including Associate Dean(s) (Academic Quality and Student Experience), representatives of Learning Enhancement Directorate, the Awards’ Manager, representative University National Teaching Fellows and CATE winners and the President of UUSU.
The Assessment Panel will be looking for the team’s ability to:
- Demonstrate Collaborative Excellence: Show evidence of a team-based initiative that demonstrates highly effective problem solving or innovation that benefited from the team approach and has led to positive impact on L&T and aligns to Ulster LTSE principles and qualities.
- Demonstrate evidence of: a clear set of aims, objectives and rationale for the team’s approach and how the group constitutes a team and developed as a team, working collaboratively and how collaborative working has been an advantage, demonstration of direct involvement of students with the team.
- Support the claim with independent evidence of how the collaborative work has enhanced student learning, such as testimonials (particularly from key stakeholders e.g., students, colleagues), supporting data and/or evidence of effectiveness and impact – (evidence should be integrated throughout the claim and contributes to the word count.)
- Demonstrate clearly how the initiative adds something novel, enhancing, or innovative to supporting learners in their area.
- Be underpinned by relevant reference to the professional knowledge base in HE learner support practice.
- Include reflection on or evidence of how their intervention has begun to have impact within the broader L&T community that is beyond the team’s local area.
When to apply
- Applications should be received by next deadline 10th January 2025 by noon
- Submission as a single PDF File via the Award Dropbox on BBL
Distinguished Collaborative Education Excellence Fellowship Award Winners
2023-24 Winners
"An organisation in the classroom" - Innovation in Teaching Human Resource Management (HRM): Department of Management, Leadership & Marketing; People & Culture
- Paul Joseph-Richard (Lead)
- Damian McAllister
- Mark Latuske
- Martin Garry
- Caroline Sweeney
- Michael Shannon
- Elaine Fugard
- Tina Gallagher
- Alastair Smith
- Angela Getty
- Carmel Maguire
Architects of Change Project (phase 1): Schools of Communication & Media; Architecture & Built Environment; Schools Outreach; Communications - Special Projects
- Raffaella Folli (Lead)
- Jayanta Mondol
- Adrian Pugsley
- Jenny Jackson-Smyth
- Lorraine Lavery-Bowen
- Siobhan Flynn
- Nuala Dalcz
- Ben Janes
- Ryan Johnston
2022 Winners
- John Bustard (Lead)
- Daniel Hsu
- Rachael Withers
Collaboration In the Development Of Personalised Medicine as a New DisciplinE (ONE)
- Paula McClean (Lead)
- Catriona Kelly
- David Gibson
- Victoria McGilligan
- Elaine Murray
- Sarah Atkinson
- Steven Watterson
- Andrew McDowell
- Stephanie Duguez
- William Duddy
- Priyank Shukla
- Kyle Matchett
- Taranjit Singh Rai
- Shu-Dong Zhang
Experiencing ‘Embedded Employability’: A Co-designed Framework
- Ian Smyth (Lead)
- Paul Joseph-Richard
- Cathy Moore
- Stella So
2021 Winners
Collaborative Excellence
Digital Technology Enhancing Learning for Two Generations of Learners: Millennials and GenZs
- Michaela Black (Lead)
- A McCaughey
- M Nicell
- R Hegarty
- P Yogarajah
- D Kerr
- S Coleman
- D Rankin
- B Gardiner
- J Harkin
Supporting Digital Preparedness during a Crisis: A Collaborative Response
- Andy Jaffrey (Lead)
- C Ferguson
- A MacNeill
- F McCloy
- L Miskelly
- A Rivoire
- G Ross
- C Thomson
Graduate wellbeing and resilience for the future workplace
- Cathy Moore (Lead)
- C Wightman
- N McQuillan
2019/2020 Winners
Collaborative Excellence
The Envelope Project: Leading by example: the risks, rewards and results
- Hazel Bruce (Lead)
- Heather Burgess
- Mo Morrow
- Alison Gault
- Lucy Smyth
- Trish Belford
- Maureen Collins
- Dean Ligget
- Mary Callan
- Shonagh Galbraith
- Kevin Burns
- Jamie Kerr
- Barbara Dass
- Trevor Cadden (Lead)
- Mark McCrory
- Nicholas Read
- Hadyn Bennett
- Deborah Sloan
- Nancy Brown
- Darryl Cummins
- Judith McKnight
- Heather Farley
- Joan Ballantine
- Kristel Miller
- Gerard McFall
Meaningful Assessment for Skills Class
- Sarah Penney (Lead)
- Gerard Baxter
- Mary Marren
- Bridie Logue
- Janice Reid
2018/2019 Winners
Collaborative Excellence Award
2017/2018 Winners
Collaborative Excellence Award
- Deborah Sloan (lead), Moira McCarthy, Abbie McKenna and Edel O’Neill
- Claire Mulrone (lead) and Adrian Hickey
- Dr Helen Jackson (lead), Dr Jolene Mairs-Dyer and Philip O’Neill
- Michael Crozier (lead) and James Hanna