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In anticipation of the move to Blackboard Ultra in September 2024, CDLE held launch events across the Northern Ireland campuses.

Although the launch events are over, you can still:

Each launch event featured demonstrations of the the new Blackboard Ultra interface, discussions with the university's Ultra pilot scheme participants and advice from CDLE staff on setting up Ultra development areas and transitioning modules.

The main launch event was held in May, on the Belfast campus with additional workshops on each campus in May/June.

Blackboard goes Ultra workshops

Each workshop began with an introduction and demonstration of Blackboard Learn, followed by a workshop to help attendees start building their 24/25 modules.  Colleagues were encouraged to bring their own devices and take part in the hands-on sessions. There were also opportunities to ask questions and learn from colleagues who have already started their Ultra journey.

We are working towards having 24/25 Blackboard Ultra module areas live in May/June to allow adequate time to prepare for September.

Derry/Londonderry Workshop

Tuesday 4th June 10.30am - 2.00pm

Belfast Workshop

Friday 7th June 10.30am - 2.00pm

Coleraine Workshop

Tuesday 11th  June 10.30am - 2.00pm

Blackboard goes Ultra event - Belfast Campus

Friday 10th May 2024,  9.30am - 3pm,  BC-06-321

This launch event introduced staff to the new Blackboard Ultra digital learning  environment.  Members of the Senior Leadership team provided the strategic context to the university's move to Ultra.  Anthology, the producers of Blackboard, discussed the development of the new simplified structure and streamlined interface.  Participants of the university's pilot schemes reflected on teaching with Blackboard Ultra and the CDLE team provided demonstrations and advice on creating Blackboard Ultra courses.

Event Agenda
9.30am - 10.00am Registration and refreshments
10am - 10.30am Official event opening
  • Prof. Odette Hutchinson, PVC Academic Quality & Student Experience
  • Prof.  Alex Owen, Dean of Learning Enhancement
  • Andy Jaffrey, Head of the Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement
10.30am - 11.30am Blackboard Ultra context and introduction
  • The Anthology team: Martyn Rollason - Senior Account Executive, Victor Iriarte - Client Experience Manager
  • BB Ultra pilot scheme participants from UU
11.30am - 11.45am Refreshments
11.45am - 1pm Blackboard Ultra demonstration, discussion and reflection
  • CDLE
  • BB Ultra pilot scheme participants from UU
1pm - 2pm Lunch
2pm - 2.45pm Implementation of Blackboard Ultra - hands on session
  • Sarah Hallam - Senior Educational Consultant, Anthology
2.45pm - 3pm Closing remarks
  • Prof. Odette Hutchinson, PVC Academic Quality & Student Experience
  • Prof.  Alex Owen, Dean of Learning Enhancement