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The following procedures apply.

Where it is proposed to revise structure, content or regulations, and where these revisions do not have substantial implications for resources or the overall curriculum, details are submitted to the Faculty for consideration and approval.  For home and franchised courses please use the CA3 (CMS) form.  For validated courses, please use the  CA3 form for external provision.

Faculty procedures for consideration of revisions should include appropriate scrutiny at faculty level.

The CA3 form  is forwarded to the Centre of Curriculum Enhancement and Approval (formerly Academic Office) following Faculty approval.

The Academic Standards and Quality Enhancement Committee (ASQEC) is informed of the Faculty's approval as well as the Module Office, the Library, Timetabling Officer, Central Admissions and the Marketing Unit as appropriate.

Revisions to internal courses are authorised in the Curriculum Management System. Revisions for partner institutions are filed in the course file held by the Centre of Curriculum Enhancement and Approval (formerly Academic Office).

Revisions to title, location and mode of attendance require consideration by the Academic Planning Advisory Group (APAG) before final approval.  Departures from University regulations are considered by the Academic Standards and Quality Enhancement Committee.

Proposals for new outcentre locations, where the faculty delivers a course off-campus to University students with support from another organisation (facilities and/or staff) are accompanied by a due-diligence questionnaire completed by the faculty.  If the faculty or APAG has concerns, Quality Enhancement undertakes further investigation for consideration by the Senior Leadership Team (a flowchart sets out the process).

Proposals to offer courses by e-learning are reviewed by APAG.  If a Faculty proposes to deliver an existing course or part of a course in a fully online capacity, or to make significant changes to content or structure of existing fully online modules, the Faculty must engage with the Centre for Digital Learning Enhancement as this usually requires support from learning technologists and other staff.

The CA3 form must be accompanied by a completed Digital Learning Resource Agreement.  No online modules are permitted in Year 1 of full-time campus-based courses.

CA3 course revisions should follow the deadlines set out on the CCEA Homepage.

Where the revisions are so substantial that the course should be evaluated as if it were a new proposal, or where a new course or Honours subject strand derives substantially from existing provision, a Form CA1 (CMS) or Form CA2 is submitted.

Updates to reading lists and changes to course/subject directors, module co-ordinators and other members of module teaching teams do not require CA3 forms and, for internal provision, can be changed directly in the CMS.

Staff changes may require internal school/faculty approval.