Most prizes are administered by Faculties and are open to students in those Faculties (see “Faculty Prizes” below).
There is also a small number of prizes which are open to students across all Faculties (see “University Prizes and Awards” below).
The Centre for Curriculum, Enhancement and Approval receives submissions of proposals for the establishment of new prizes and amendments to the conditions of existing prizes, including their discontinuation.
An annual report in respect of both Faculty and University-wide prizes and awards is made to the Academic Standards and Quality Enhancement Committee in October of each year.
The report summarises new and discontinued prizes and notes the outcomes of the competition for University-wide awards.
Faculty Prizes
The following Faculty prizes are open to students of those Faculties.
Course/Subject handbooks contain information on prizes and awards associated with programmes.
The Faculty list of prizes and awards is updated in May of each year prior to the Board of Examiners meetings in June.
The current prize lists are being updated, and will be available soon for:
- Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Prizes
- Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment
- Life and Health Sciences Prizes
- Ulster University Business School Prizes
After the Boards of Examiners meetings in June, The Centre is informed of the recipient of each prize and produces a certificate which is forwarded to the prizewinner along with the prize.
University Prizes and Awards
Information on University prizes and awards is forwarded to all Faculties, libraries, Employability and Careers and the Students' Union in October each year.
Information is also provided through campus reception screens, an annual global email to students and a dedicated link in the student portal.
- Information leaflet containing details of each prize
- Application form for the University prizes (except the BPW NI Travelling Scholarship)
- BPW NI Travelling Scholarship (NOT available for AY 2024/2025)
The following University prizes and awards are open to all students of the University:
BPW NI Travelling Scholarship
BPW NI Travelling Scholarship is NOT available for AY 2024/2025.
Findlater Award in Social Studies
Establishment of Award
As a result of a bequest by Mr Alexander Findlater.
Basis of Award
The prize is for the best piece of written work concerned centrally with social conditions in Ireland, which are interpreted to include social, economic and political areas of study.
The work shall be produced by a student during their enrolment at Ulster University.
Any student registered for a programme of study at Ulster University.
Value of Award
up to £300
Closing date
11.59pm on 30 May 2025
Further information
For further information contact:
Centre for Curriculum Enhancement and Approval
Allstate NI Convocation Undergraduate Student of the Year Award
Establishment of Award
Established by the Convocation of Ulster University and funded by Allstate NI.
Basis of Award
Made to a student who, during their time at Ulster University, has demonstrated significant personal achievement or a substantial contribution to the life of the University, its students or the community.
All full-time and part-time undergraduate students.
Value of Award
A perpetual trophy and £500
Closing date
April 2025
Further information
For further information visit the Convocation webpage at : Welcome to Convocation - Ulster University
Or contact:
Secretariat of Convocation
Greer Garson Film Award
Establishment of Award
As a result of an endowment by Miss Greer Garson.
Basis of Award
The prize is for the best piece of creative work in film.
Any student (or group of students) registered for a programme of study at Ulster University.
Value of Award
up to £500
Closing date
11.59pm on 30 May 2025
Further information
For further information contact:
Centre for Curriculum Enhancement and Approval
Greer Garson Theatre Award
Establishment of Award
As a result of an endowment by Miss Greer Garson.
Basis of Award
The prize is for the best piece of creative work in theatre produced by a student (or group of students) during their enrolment at Ulster University.
Any student (or group of students) registered for a programme of study at Ulster University.
Value of Award
up to £500
Closing date
11.59pm on 30 May 2025
Further information
For further information contact:
Centre for Curriculum Enhancement and Approval
John RE Scott Convocation Postgraduate Student of the Year Award
Establishment of Award
Established by the Convocation Executive Committee of Ulster University.
Basis of Award
Made to a student who, during their time at Ulster University, has demonstrated significant personal achievement or a substantial contribution to the life of the University, its students or the community.
All full-time and part-time postgraduate students.
Value of Award
Trophy (retained by the winner for one year).
Closing date
Closed for nominations until 2025
Further information
For further information visit the Convocation webpage at : Welcome to Convocation - Ulster University
Or contact:
Secretariat of Convocation
McCrea Literary Award
Establishment of Award
The award is derived from the McCrea Bequest formerly held by Magee University College.
Basis of Award
The prize is available biennially for creative writing, in the fields of poetry, essay, drama, the novel or the humanities in general.
All members of Ulster University, graduates and honorary graduates of Ulster University and of its predecessor the New Ulster University.
Value of Award
up to £500
Closing date
11.59pm on 31 May 2025
Further information
For further information contact:
Centre for Curriculum Enhancement and Approval
Establishing New Prizes
Proposals for new prizes should be submitted to The Centre using the pro forma for new prizes.
Each proposal is submitted to the University's Academic Standards and Quality Enhancement Committee which makes recommendations regarding their establishment to Council.
Proposals endorsed by the Committee are approved by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Student Experience) on behalf of Council.
Copies of all proposals for new prizes should also be forwarded to the Development and Alumni Relations Office for information.
When new prizes are obtained the donor or sponsor should be asked to sign an agreement empowering the University to amend the terms of the award, including the re-allocation of the award to another programme in the same or a related subject area, should the original programme associated with the award be discontinued.
The University has guidelines with regard to the funding of new and existing prizes.
As a general rule, the annual value of the prize should be no less than £50.
Many prizes are funded and made available over a fixed period of time (for example five years or 10 years).
Alternatively, prizes can be established in perpetuity, that is, a prize is awarded over an indefinite period of time.
An effective means to fund prizes in perpetuity is for the University to receive a capital sum of sufficient value which will generate enough annual interest to support an annual prize.
Where the standard rate of interest is taken at 4%, £1,250 is the minimum sum required to establish a prize which will be awarded in perpetuity with a value of £50 annually.
If insufficient interest has generated, the prize may not be awarded.
Amendments to Existing Prizes
Amendments to existing prizes should be submitted to The Centre using the pro forma for existing prizes.
Each proposal for amendment is submitted to the University's Academic Standards and Quality Enhancement Committee which makes recommendations regarding the amendment to Council.
Amendments endorsed by the Committee are approved by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Quality and Student Experience) on behalf of Council.
Amendments to prizes funded by donors and sponsors should be made with their agreement.
General Regulations Applying to Student Awards (Prizes)
- The terms and conditions of new student prizes shall be determined by the Academic Standards and Quality Enhancement Committee on behalf of the Senate. The Committee shall make recommendations for the establishment of new prizes to the Council.
- Awards shall be authorised by the appropriate nominating body or committee. In the case of awards based on examination performance, this body shall be the Board of Examiners, and where more than one Board of Examiners is involved, the Deans of Faculties shall co-ordinate decisions.
- At the time of nomination for a prize or award a candidate must be a registered student of the University.
- A prize or award may be divided where there are candidates of equal merit.
- A prize or award may be withheld in a particular year if in the opinion of the nominating body there is no candidate of suitable merit.
- The University may withdraw or cancel without notice any or all offers of prizes or awards.
- The nominating body may determine other conditions not explicitly specified.
- In the case of prizes or awards which are provided out of private endowment funds, the payment of the full amount shall be contingent on the necessary income being forthcoming from the endowment fund.