Enhancing Potential

A student who displays this skill can:

  • identify development gaps and establish goals that are achievement focused
  • seek ongoing opportunities for personal and professional development
Image for  Personal Confidence & Resilience

Personal Confidence & Resilience

A student who displays this skill can:

  • understand individual emotions and triggers
  • manage stress and stay composed in difficult situations
  • be resilient, adaptable and flexible when dealing with change or uncertainty
Image for  Well-being


A student who displays this skill can:

  • develop and maintain healthy relationships
  • recognise and promote positive mental health
  • manage physical well-being and lifestyle choices
Image for  Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset

A student who displays this skill can:

  • confidently explore new directions and take on new challenges
  • proactively make decisions and take responsibility for actions
  • encourage progress by assessing and taking risks
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