Graduate Attribute Collaborative Professional
Someone who is able to contribute to society widely and especially in their field of knowledge.

Skills and Associated Behavioural Indicators
Responsible Team Player
A student who displays this skill can:
- be a reliable, empathetic and empowering team contributor
- be open to positive and constructive feedback
- consistently deliver and exceed on all expectations in a reliable and honest manner
- be accountable and reliable (responsible)
Effective Communicator
A student who displays this skill can:
- show effective spoken and written communication skills in multiple forms and with a range of audiences
- help resolve conflicts which may arise in a group dynamic
- be an assertive and active listener
Enterprising Innovator
A student who displays this skill can:
- recognise and progress relevant opportunities for change and growth
- anticipate risks and drive change effectively
- critically reflect upon, review and evaluate the solutions they have explored
Digitally Fluent Professional
A student who displays this skill can:
- confidently use and adapt digital devices, applications and services to suit task requirements
- explore, evaluate and adapt subject specific and generic ICT solutions to professional tasks and problems
- operate safely and ethically in a digital world