Graduate Attribute Active Citizen
Someone who is engaging, ethical, sustainable, making a positive impact.

Skills and Associated Behavioural Indicators
Citizen with Integrity
A student who displays this skill can:
- be critically self-aware - recognising individual strengths and opportunities for development
- uphold strong moral principles and act with honesty, reliability, and respect for others
- develop a sense of one's values for ethical choices and actions that will benefit others
- value different world views and cross-cultural diversity
Inclusive Citizen
A student who displays this skill can:
- actively participate in local communities and global society
- demonstrate inclusive behaviour toward different abilities, backgrounds and beliefs
- use empathy to encourage inter-cultural respect
Sustainable Citizen
A student who displays this skill can:
- take responsibility for their actions for sustainability issues
- adapt a practical approach to solve sustainability challenges
Future Thinker
A student who displays this skill can:
- understand and evaluate possible, probable and desirable futures to create a personal vision of the future
- understand and contribute towards current and future local and global challenges
- future gaze to deal with change