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Volunteer in Fiji - Summer 2025!

Volunteer in Fiji, Summer 2025

Promote Youth Empowerment in Fiji.

In partnership with the Fijian Government, Volunteering in Fiji with Think Pacific’s projects offer you the opportunity to join a traditional village, to become a member of a Fijian family and work as a team to contribute to education, youth and sports development projects, which are making an immense difference to the lives of children living in hardship.

If you're looking for a hugely rewarding experience abroad, the Think Pacific volunteer projects to Fiji could be just for you; every expedition is a challenging, adventurous and hugely rewarding journey to the heart of the Fiji Islands.

On each project volunteers work as a team of young, fun and like-minded people. You'll start your project in Nadi, where you'll get to know your team mates and the Think Pacific team and the Fijian Government will brief you on the aims and life ahead in the traditional Fijian communities.

During the project you will be adopted by a traditional Fijian family and work as a team to achieve a hugely diverse programme of projects, which are making a lasting difference to Fijian children.  You will also have the opportunity to go on guided adventure days and unique cultural experiences.

Find out more about the project on Think Pacific's Ulster-only webpage

Information Sessions

Register for an online information session to find out more:

Think Pacific Discovery

Projects in Fiji

Can't attend a live session?

Key Information
Host OrganisationThink Pacific
22nd June – 19th July 2025 (plus a few days for travelling)
Open to registered Undergraduate and Postgraduate students (not suitable for final years).
Project Cost
Project Cost: £2145 to be paid by student to Think Pacific (this includes the £195 registration fee)

Turing funding is available for eligible students to assist towards the project cost.

Students will be expected to contribute the following amounts towards the project cost:

£665 for most students


£195 if your household income is less than £25,000*

*you can check the full criteria for this higher Turing rate in the 'Widening Access and Participation' section below.

Flights An additional scholarship of up to £1500 is available towards the cost of your return flights. This will be paid to students once flights are confirmed and evidence (receipts) are provided. 

You must ensure you have the funds to pay for your flights as do not receive this scholarship in  advance.
  • Meals
  • Accommodation
  • Weekend adventures
  • Domestic travel
  • Charity donation
Additional Costs Approx. £300 for spending money.
Application FormApplications now closed.
Application DeadlineApplications now closed.

You will be invited to an online group interview if you are shortlisted at application stage.

Interview Guidance

If you require support and guidance to help you prepare for interview reach out to your Employability & Graduate Futures Team.

You can request a 1:1 appointment via Handshake or contact the team via e-mail:

Youth Empowerment Project

All Ulster students will be placed on the same project which has a focus on Youth Empowerment and is in partnership with the Fijian Government. The project is a challenging and purposeful team adventure jam-packed with culture, new perspectives and self-developing experience!

It’s no secret that employers hugely value ‘soft skills,’  global understanding and practical work experience.

Through this project, you’ll develop all three whilst we facilitate the same self-developing experience to young Fijians in rural communities.

This project is for enthusiastic individuals who want to step out of their comfort zone, experience true cultural immersion and develop their skills, whilst exploring and contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The result is one of the most rewarding and extraordinary experiences of your life.

Widening Access and Participation

You will be eligible for a higher rate of Turing Scheme funding if you meet one of the criteria below:

  • You are in receipt of an Ulster University Access Bursary
  • You are from an area of low higher education participation, low household income or low socioeconomic status (including those with an annual household income of £25,000 or less)
  • You receive Income Support or Universal Credit and are financially supporting yourself or financially supporting yourself and someone who is dependent on you and living with them, such as a child or partner
  • You are from a background of care
  • You have caring responsibilities
  • You have no living parents
  • Your parents cannot be found or it is not reasonably practicable to get in touch with either of them (estranged students)
  • You are a refugee or asylum seeker

Proof of the above criteria will be required as part of your application.

Go Global Stories!

Have a read of what our past students had to say about the project!

Student Testimonial

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