Paris Kosky - Social Work Summer School, Philippines & Singapore

Written by Paris Kosky, BSc (Hons) Social Work, Social Work Summer School in Philippines & Singapore 2024

4 Sep 2024   2 min read

Paris Kosky - Social Work Summer School, Philippines & Singapore

Social Work Summer School 2024

“The best two weeks of my life that I will carry with me throughout my social work career.”

Memorable moment

It is very difficult to choose, and I don't want to give too much away for other students, but definitely the people. I will never forget the students and staff at UPLB & SUSS; the hospitality we received was amazing, and we have made connections and friends for life. Most of all, the students and Dr Denise made the trip as unforgettable as it was. The craic was unreal. I would do it a million times over.

New culture

The Philippines was a culture shock to us all. I have never seen poverty like it. I've seen some clips on TV, but seeing it in front of your own eyes is a life-altering experience. It makes you realise how lucky we are to have what we have, but also to appreciate the people we have around us. The Philippines showed us that love, family, and friends are the most important things in life. The things we take for granted are what they would only dream of having.

Singapore was at the other end of the spectrum. Everything was modern and rich. It showed us some great ways of working, especially inclusivity, which is becoming more and more important in the UK. I liked how the Singaporean government seemed to look after their residents very well, especially the older generation, which is something that the UK could really learn from.

Challenges while abroad

The main challenge for me was leaving my family. I have two children aged 2 and 10, and I felt extremely guilty and upset leaving them. To my surprise, I was absolutely fine, and so were they. I had to remind myself that it was two weeks of our lives and that I would never get to experience this again.

Making friends

The group I went with was amazing; we had so much fun together, and we all supported each other. The students and staff at both campuses were so welcoming and friendly; we all keep in touch over social media.

Travelling and sightseeing

In the Philippines, we got to spend a night in Manila and go shopping. We also went to the cold springs, which were beautiful and amazing in the heat.

In Singapore, we had a bit more free time, so we did plenty of exploring, including Universal Studios and Gardens by the Bay. It was great to have that spare time as I might never be able to visit those countries again.


Just do it. It will be something you will remember for the rest of your life, and it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.