Leah McCormac - Colorado Mesa University, USA

Written by Leah McCormac, Criminology and Criminal Justice, ISEP Study Abroad 2023/24

10 Jul 2024   2 min read

Leah McCormac - Colorado Mesa University, USA

ISEP Study Abroad programme 2023/24

"An experience that I would do again in a heartbeat, the best decision I have made."

Memorable moments

I have so many memorable moments but the ones that stick out are, going to Denver for spring break and numerous road trips to a lot of different states e.g. Los Angeles to Colorado, attending the school sporting events, exploring Colorado, going to the rodeos, skiing, paddle boarding and meeting my best friends.

The top three things, I would say: driving 14 hours to a Zach Bryan concert, my trips out of state and just living the American College life with all the amazing people I met.

Comparing the culture

The similarity between home and US I noticed was that both places have a strong sense of hospitality. The difference I noticed was that people in America are very outgoing. It was like going to college in a movie, with the frat parties and the sporting events such as baseball, American football, lacrosse etc. The class sizes in America are also a lot smaller than in Northern Ireland.

Challenges and how to overcome them

The challenge I most encountered was homesickness which made it difficult to be apart from friends and family, particularly around important occasions. I overcame this by using FaceTime to be in regular contact with my loved ones.

In the USA, I also made a big network of friends who really helped me feel less alone and gave me a sense of home away from home. Also, the American educational system differed from my own and placed a greater focus on critical thinking, a lot of classroom engagement, and ongoing evaluation and tests throughout the semesters.

Friends for life

Making friends and meeting new people was easy as Americans are very outgoing. I went to the International Student Club where I met a lot of people from all over, as well as Americans who studied abroad in Europe.

There were a lot of campus events where I met many people and in classes too. I am very thankful for all the many friends I made as they all made me feel at home and can't wait for them to come visit Ireland.


To any students who are considering studying abroad, I would advise them to just go for it and do it while they can. It was one of the best things I have ever done. It opened my eyes to new cultures, helped me grow as an individual, and provided me with unforgettable adventures and friendships that will last a lifetime.