James McCarthy - Philadelphia, USA
Written by James McCarthy, BSc Hons Politics. Go Philly, 2019.

Written by James McCarthy, BSc Hons Politics. Go Philly, 2019.
"It was particularly interesting to hear about the problems facing women in the political arena in the US and how they compared to the rest of the world"
I applied for the 'Aspects and Problems of Current Politics and Governance of the UK and US' as I had a keen interest in the comparison between what is happening in the UK with Brexit and the political disclosure in the US under the Trump administration.
While in Philadelphia, I had the opportunity to visit Drexel and Temple Universities to hear from their academic staff and members of Philadelphia’s civic society on the issues facing them in 2019.
Go Philly also provided me with the opportunity to meet and engage with a diverse group of students from across all the Ulster campuses. Many of whom I have kept in touch with since the trip.
Aside from this I had a great time exploring the city and being a foodie, I highly enjoyed Reading Terminal Market and visiting Jim’s Steaks on South St. Although I’m not sure that my waistline would agree!