Jack Ringland - Naitasiri, Fiji
Written by Jack Ringland, BSc Hons Biomed. Think Pacific, 2019.

Written by Jack Ringland, BSc Hons Biomed. Think Pacific, 2019.
"My favourite memory was trekking up the mountain with the kids to a waterfall. The trek was difficult but worth it, the sights where beautiful! It showed us how far they had to trek just to get to their favourite spot to play. I learned that the world is different and its important to explore other cultures. The people in Fiji were the most friendly and welcoming people i have ever met and made us feel right at home."
We got Volunteering in a village called Wainawaqa village in Naitasiri. A group of 18 students from Ulster University set off to Fiji in June/July to begin our Volunteering.
The people there are the most friendly and welcoming people I have ever met and made me feel right at home.
We taught Maths, English and Sports in the village school to the students.
My favourite memory was trekking up the mountain with the kids to a waterfall.
The sights where beautiful and the trek was difficult but worth it. It showed us how far they had to trek just to get to their favourite spot to play and would travel there every weekend.
My future career is to become a Doctor, I have always enjoyed travelling and always wanted to volunteer.
I thought this was a great experience just for me to see the world and see how the other half live! I loved every minute of it and would do it again in a heartbeat.