Eve Elliott - Common Purpose, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Written by Eve Elliott, BSc Politics and International Studies, Global Leadership Programme 2023.

27 Jun 2023   0 min read

Eve Elliott - Common Purpose, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Global Leadership Programme – Johannesburg 2023

“A great way to kick off the first year of my degree!“


Throughout the four-day programme, we addressed the challenge of overcoming crisis in cities by advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The programme focussed on experiential learning (no PowerPoint slides!) including field meetings with the city’s leading institutions and businesses, peer coaching sessions, and practical chances to demonstrate leadership.

Problem solving

We worked in smaller groups to design an initiative to progress one of the UN SDGs within Johannesburg. My group and I chose to address graduate unemployment by designing a programme for undergraduates. It proposed a placement year working in underdeveloped communities within the city region throughout their time at university, which would then count towards their overall degree and guarantee a graduate job offer.

New culture, new people

We had the chance to learn a little bit about African culture from our University of Johannesburg peers and made some lifelong friendships. It was incredible to be away with a great team of students who made the trip unforgettable.