Craig Millar - Summer in Minnesota, USA
Written by Craig Millar, BSc (Hons) Business with Education, America: Here and Now programme in Duluth, Minnesota, 2023.

Written by Craig Millar, BSc (Hons) Business with Education, America: Here and Now programme in Duluth, Minnesota, 2023.
“Duluth has my heart. It’s my second home.”
During my summer at UMD, I had uncountable highlights. From our incredible welcome from not only the University, but the Duluth Community, to our amazing excursions to Minneapolis/St Paul, The Mall of America, and meeting some well-known film directors & editors while we were completing our Project: America, Here, Then & Now.
My highlight from the entire trip was to be awarded the Best Overall Project, on our Premier Night, in Duluth’s Historic Theatre.
The Culture in Mid-West America, was different to what I had expected, but in an amazing way.
The community of Duluth, has hunting as a tradition, along with preparing for winter, all year long. As Duluth, is a lakeside city, to Lake Superior, the city prides itself in its production and exporting of Iron-Orr, as-well as grain and agricultural produce.
I also realised that the need for food being greasy is for a good reason - to bulk up for winter (or so I am told).
At the start of this project, I was nervous, as I didn’t really know what to expect, and didn’t know much about the small city of Duluth. I was also challenged by the arrangement of typical American Halls (accommodation) as I binged watched all American College movies before I left.
I shortly realised that the small city of Duluth, was very welcoming, and anyone who I came across quickly become a connection and a friend. I also became comfortable with the accommodation almost immediately, by sharing a room with James, who was also completing the program. James and I became very good friends, and realised that we shared a lot in common, and were going through the same thoughts, before our program!
Making friends in Duluth was incredibly easy. The people in Duluth were incredibly nice, and welcoming. Word must have spread quickly, that students from Ireland had arrived, as most people knew we were in the City, after a few days. We were invited to family dinners, brought to traditional Duluth restaurants all by locals, university students and staff.
I made a lot of friends during the project, and in particular a group of Students from the neighbouring University of St Scholastica. Myself, James & Niamh, all created a great friendship group with these students and will continue to stay in contact.
I would say, GoGlobal!
Honestly, I heard from everyone to Go, and as hesitant as I was, I am so glad I went, as once I graduate, I will never get an opportunity like this again.