Anne Gallagher - Social Work Summer School, Philippines & Singapore

Written by Anne Gallagher, BSc (Hons) Social Work, Social Work Summer School in Philippines & Singapore 2024

4 Sep 2024   1 min read

Anne Gallagher - Social Work Summer School, Philippines & Singapore

Social Work Summer School 2024

“Out of this world! Wish I could do it again.”

Memorable moments

Experiencing other cultures, getting the opportunity to see how social work is carried out in countries that are socially disadvantaged yet have the most positive outlook. Making friends with students from universities in the Philippines and Singapore and being able to share best practices.

New culture

I found the people in the Philippines to be very friendly, just like back home in Ireland. They don’t feel disadvantaged at all and make the best out of what they have. I saw that everyone’s goal, no matter what country, was to help people live a better life.

Challenges while abroad

I found it hard seeing the differences in the children’s homes compared to what ours are like back home, but as a group, we discussed this and supported each other.

Making friends

I only really knew one person well from the group that went, so this was a big step for me to take. After going on the trip, I have made new friends for life—the group was amazing, and I could not have wished for a better group of people.


If you have the chance to take part in this trip, I really advise you to go! It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, one I will never forget, and one that was so well organised. There were loads of learning opportunities, but also a lot of fun to be had.