Consider a Short-Term, Volunteering opportunity or Learn a Language abroad!

Short-Term Study & Volunteering image

Short-Term Study & Volunteering

Discover a range of short-term and volunteering opportunities available to Ulster students.

Find out about short-term and volunteering opportunities
Learning a language to Study Abroad image

Learning a language to Study Abroad

Discover our short language courses available to prepare you for studying abroad.

Find out about learning languages

Study or Work Abroad

Study Abroad image

Study Abroad

Find out more about studying abroad as part of your Ulster Degree.

Read more about studying abroad
Work Abroad image

Work Abroad

Opportunities to work internationally during your time at Ulster.

Read more about Working Abroad

Go Global Student Stories

Stories from Ulster University students about their experiences of Studying, Working and Volunteering abroad.

Image for Read our student stories here

Why Go Global?

Participating in one of Ulster’s Study - Work - Volunteer abroad programmes could be a significant and memorable experience to carry with you for the future.

You can expect to experience diversity and different lifestyles, gain intercultural communication skills, increase your independence and adaptability and maybe even see life and learning in a new way.

The Global Opportunities team and your academic study advisor are available to support current Ulster students and ensure that Ulster’s programmes offer a flexible range of options and destinations that enhance your degree.

Our top 5 reasons to study abroad

Strengthen your existing skills and develop new ones

A new educational setting will require you to build upon your learning processes, and a new routine will push you to adapt and develop new skills to cope with the change.

Add value to your degree

Studying at a university abroad will mean you are able to take classes not offered at Ulster. Doing so will give you the opportunity to extend and diversify your learning experience.

Experience new cultures

Outside of lectures, the world is your oyster! The opportunity to travel and explore will give you a wealth of experience that you can bring home.

Enhance your employability

The world is now a global stage, so what better way to get noticed? Having demonstrable experience of living and learning in another culture is often prized by employers, especially international companies.

Improve your language skills

What better way to learn a language but to live it? Even if you aren't taught in your host language, your day-to-day interactions will help you swiftly build up knowledge and vocabulary.

Global Opportunities Team

The Global Opportunities Team are working to create Global mobility opportunities for students at Ulster.

As part of the Office for Global Engagement we identify, promote and facilitate opportunities for students to be globally mobile, to study abroad and partake in overseas traineeships.

  • We work with both incoming students from overseas institutions and Ulster's outgoing students, including those participating in bilateral agreements.
  • We work with Academic departments, Schools and Faculties at Ulster to develop, promote and manage quality opportunities for Ulster students.
  • We also initiate and maintain links with Higher Education institutions overseas and more recently, have developed opportunities for more staff to be internationally mobile.

Contact the Global Opportunities Team