What is it?

Our Global Buddy Scheme is a peer support scheme in which current students at Ulster volunteer their time to support new international students during their first semester.

We understand that coming to live in a new country is very exciting, but it can also be challenging, and it may take time for our international students to adapt to their new surroundings. This scheme helps in this transition through peer support and by giving students a social connection on campus.

Who can apply?

  • Any new international student studying at Ulster.
  • Existing Ulster students who have been at Ulster for at least one semester.

How does it work?

Current students and new international students wishing to take part in the scheme can complete a short online application form.

The Global Buddies team will then match current Ulster students (Student Buddies) with new, incoming international students using the information provided in the application.  Our Student Buddies will then make regular contact with our new international students and arrange meet-ups throughout the semester.

Student Buddies and new international students in the scheme will be required to attend a training session in advance of the start of the semester, so that they understand and are aware of the expectations of the  programme and how to get the most from the scheme!

A welcome event will be organised for each campus where all participants in the scheme can meet in person for the first time to become acquainted. This will usually take place in the first few weeks of each semester and more events will run throughout the semester.

How long does the scheme last?

The Global Buddy Scheme runs for one semester at a time, and begins at the start of semester 1 and  semester 2.  Students may volunteer with the scheme for as many semesters as they wish while they are a registered student at Ulster. Students will need to complete a separate application for each semester they wish to take part.

For students completing the EDGE Award, the Global Buddy Scheme can only be submitted once for accreditation.

Why become a Global Buddy?

Listen to what past buddies have said about their experience in the Global Buddy Scheme.

Information Sessions

For students who are interested in the Global Buddy Scheme we'll be organising information webinars where you will have the opportunity to find out more about the scheme and to ask questions.  Watch this space for details about upcoming webinars.

Contact us

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please email globalbuddies@ulster.ac.uk.