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The English for Academic Studies Centre (EASC)

International students have free access to EASC courses, individual consultations, and subject-specific workshops at Ulster.

If you would like to improve your use of English at university, you are very welcome to engage in the practical, friendly learning opportunities that EASC provides.

Many students attend an EASC course or series of subject-specific workshops to master the language and study skills they need to successfully complete assignments and presentations for their main degree courses.

Both the Continuing Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) modules and Subject-Specific EASC Workshops are formally recognised.


Participating students can earn extra credits on their university transcripts by completing CPPD courses.

  • Essential Writing Skills for International Students

    This module covers the core academic writing skills that you will need to succeed on your degree course. You will learn about and practice using the key features of academic writing, and will develop confidence in constructing the “building-blocks” of which all academic writing is made.

    5 credits

  • Extended Writing Skills for International Students 

    This module supports you to write longer texts (3,000 words or more) in response to assignment briefs provided by your department. Through researching your topic, and through drafting and reworking your writing in response to feedback from your peers and your tutor, you will develop key transferable research and writing strategies. By the end of the module, you will have written and received feedback on a 1,500-word section of one of your degree-course assignments.

    10 credits

  • Reading Circles for International Students

    This module will develop your ability to read academic texts selectively, purposefully and critically, and to use reading as a “mine” of vocabulary. Incorporating the interactive and learner-centred Academic Reading Circles model, this module is designed to equip you with the core, transferable reading and vocabulary development skills which lay the foundation for your academic success.

    10 credits

  • Interaction Skills for International Students

    This module will enhance your listening comprehension of natural, authentic conversations between two or more speakers, your understanding of a variety of accents, and your ability to distinguish the stance and main arguments of different speakers. You will engage in discussion of what you have heard and develop your interactive seminar skills. The choice of topics for discussion will be student-led and could include topics related to your degree studies as well as topics of more general social, cultural and political interest.

    5 credits

  • Presentation Skills for International Students

    This module offers a valuable opportunity to focus on the skills you need to submit a successful academic presentation. You will be able to design and deliver presentations effectively for your main degree course, using PowerPoint technology or other digital tools.

    5 credits

  • Intercultural Fluency for International Students

    This module supports you as you adapt to life as an Ulster University student. It is ideal for newly arrived international students. You will gain practical insights into your new social and academic environment and share knowledge and experience of culture. Through research and reflection on your intercultural experiences, you will develop powerful personal intercultural fluency skills.

    5 credits

Credit points on Degree Transcripts

At Ulster, registered students who wish to take extra CPPD modules in addition to those within their award-bearing degree programmes can do so at no extra cost. The extra credits that students earn, from taking CPPD modules, are recorded on degree transcripts.

Please register for one or more of our CPPD modules using the form.

If you have any questions about our CPPD modules, please email

Meanwhile, students who complete a series of Subject-Specific EASC Workshops during the semester are eligible for the EDGE Award.

They can receive a certificate that formally recognises their extra effort and commitment at a special ceremony.


This is a great opportunity for you to visit us and have a brief meeting with a lecturer about your studies. No appointment is necessary.


  • Monday: 10am - 12pm in BA-02-016
  • Tuesday: 2pm - 4pm in BA-02-016
  • Thursday: 10am - 12pm in BA-02-016


  • Wednesday: 10:30 - 12:00 in the Global Lounge


  • Monday: 10:15am -12:00pm in the library

One-to-one Consultations

You can book an EASC Academic Consultation with one of our lecturers to help you with your coursework. You can meet the EASC lecturer online or in person and receive feedback on your draft work.

Before you book your one-to-one consultation, consider what you would like the EASC lecturer to give you feedback and support on. We typically help students with their writing and presentations, for example, providing constructive advice and suggestions about coursework before it is it is submitted for assessment.

The EASC lecturer will prepare for your consultation by studying your draft work beforehand.  You send your draft work by email.  We are happy to work with you at any stage of your draft, including near-complete drafts close to the submission date, but it is worth noting that we cannot provide a proofreading service.

The best advice is to book a consultation with EASC at the right time for you and your needs.

Consultations occur online in the form of a Teams meeting, or face-to-face on campus and last approximately 30 minutes.

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