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How does the University select suppliers?

The University chooses its suppliers through competitive tendering (or quotations at lower values) when it needs to fulfil a requirement for goods, services or works. There are no ‘approved lists’, only contracts, framework agreements or similar arrangements.

If you are supplying goods from Great Britain (GB) to Northern Ireland (NI) you should register with the Trader Support Services (TSS) and obtain an XI EORI number (a reference number used by TSS to identify the buyer seller).

Applying for tenders

Ulster University uses a number of different platforms to advertise its opportunities. This ensures that as many potential suppliers as possible can find out about opportunities to do business with the University.

eSourcing NI

We use an e-Tendering Portal to run large value or complex tender activities because:

  • it facilitates the ability to store, correspond and exchange tender documentation and communications.
  • suppliers can access this free of charge.

Tenders over £30,000 are usually conducted using our e-Tendering Portal, eSourcing NI.

Lower value opportunities may be procured through the portal depending on the complexity and criticality to the University.


You can find works-based opportunities from £30k to £1.25m on construction line. You must set up a tailored profile to be electronically notified of relevant opportunities.

Framework Agreements

The University collaborates widely and uses frameworks from a variety of public sector contacting bodies:

Framework agreements are arrangements that have already undergone a full tender process from which eligible users can either directly purchase or call-off goods, services and the like.

If you are interested in tendering for framework agreements not run by the University you can contact the category managers through the above links or contact the University Procurement Office directly.

Terms and Conditions of Purchase

The University has a set of standard terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions below £30k

Terms and conditions above £30k

Where a consortium framework agreement is being used, the consortium terms will apply.

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