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Applying or responding to court

If you have decided that applying for a court Order is the way forward, be prepared. Family cases can be long and complicated. Some cases can take up to 18 months to finish.

You may be starting a case or already in the middle of one. It is important to know that there are many different procedures and they are relevant at different times and for different purposes.

Remember, if you are making an additional application in your case or seeking to change or cancel an existing Order, make sure you apply to the correct level of court.

If you have a legal representative, they will manage the process for you, but you still have to discuss your case with them and go to court hearings.

If you are representing yourself, you will have to prepare case documents, attend all hearings and correspond with the court office, the other party and people who may be involved in your case. This can be time-consuming and strict deadlines may apply for corresponding and submitting documents.

Here is a diagram showing the process of a typical family case in the Family Proceedings Court.

Communicating with the court

If you are not represented, you will need to communicate with the court office directly. The court office will either correspond by letter or email, and sometimes by phone depending on the court and your situation.

The court may let you know how to send in any forms or other documents or you can contact the court by email in the first instance to find out how they wish to receive any documents in your case – see NICTS contact details or Court office emails.

If any of your contact details change you should inform the court office immediately.

Communicating with the other party

Contact between a LIP and the solicitor for the other party is vital to the smooth running of a case and can result in agreement between the parties, saving time, costs and stress.

LIPs may be unaware that they can deal directly with the solicitor to resolve a legal issue, or they may lack confidence or not know how to move discussions forward or reach agreements.

This set of guidelines is for LIPs, solicitors and the represented party involved in Civil or Family Proceedings in Northern Ireland and it suggests ways to promote cordial, professional contact in the interests of justice and fairness:

A Charter for Effective Participation and Communication between Solicitors and Litigants in Person in Northern Ireland

Apply for an order

The person who makes the application is called the applicant party. The person who responds to the application is called the respondent party.

The court office processes all applications and then arranges for the other party named in the application to be notified of the application. This notification is called serving a summons. In complex cases where applications are made to the Family Care Centre, the applicant sends the summons directly to the other party.

The information here only applies to children living in Northern Ireland.

The process to apply for the Orders listed below are for when there are no ongoing proceedings. Ongoing proceedings, also called existing proceedings or live proceedings, are when an application has been made for an Order and the case has been listed for hearing but no final decision or court Order has been made.

  • Order by Consent
  • Contact Order
  • Residence / Shared Residence Order
  • Prohibited Steps Order
  • Specific Issues Order
  • Penal Order
  • Removal from Jurisdiction Order
  • Request to cancel or change an existing order
  • Request to enforce an existing order
  • Parental Responsibility Order

Most family cases start with an application to the Family Proceedings Court (Magistrates' Court). Very occasionally, a family court case may start at the Family Care Centre (County Court) but this is rare and only for very complex cases.

If you already have an Order, you can apply to change or cancel it – remember to make sure you apply to the level of court that made the Order.

  • How to apply to the Family Proceedings Court

    1. Fill in the relevant forms

    Form C1 – Initial Application form to the Family Proceedings Court (Magistrates’ Court) REQUIRED

    Form C1 (FPC) should be submitted as paper copies to the court office by post or in person. You should confirm with the court office how many copies of the forms you need to provide.

    Form C1A - Summons to respondent on an application under the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995, Family Proceedings Court  REQUIRED

    Form C1A (FPC) should be submitted to the court at the same time as you submit Form C1. This form is a Summons which the court staff will complete and serve on the respondent party.

    Form C1AA – Additional Information about welfare of the child OPTIONAL

    Form C1AA (FPC) should be completed if you believe the child has suffered or is at risk of suffering harm through domestic violence, violence within the household, other conduct or behaviour or ill treatment of another person by a person caring, living or having contact with the child.

    Form C1AA Guidance Notes (FPC) Guidance Notes on completing Form C1AA may help you in completing this form.

    Form C5 – Confidential address (Keeping your contact details confidential) OPTIONAL

    Form C5 (FPC) can be completed if you want to keep your contact details confidential from the other party. Send it to the court with your application.

    Hearing request or approval form MAY BE REQUIRED

    You may be required to complete a form in collaboration with the other party if there is going to be hearing. Contact the court to check – see NICTS contact details or Court office emails.

    When the case is listed for hearing, the parties may be required to complete a form about who will attend the hearing and the issues to be discussed.

    The court office may send you the form one week prior to the hearing date. The parties may need to collaborate to complete the form before returning it to the court office.

    The application forms are available on this website Quick Forms and also from the Department of Justice Court Forms.

    When completing the forms

    • Each question should be answered openly and honestly.
    • Provide all relevant information requested.
    • Do not answer questions by referring to another document.
    • Do not attach anything which the court has not asked for.

    Forms need to be completed in full, otherwise they may not be approved by the judge and this could result in a delay in the case being listed for hearing.

    Other documents may be required

    You may need other documents to help you complete the forms. This may include any information or forms that you have received, employment details, details of income, solicitor’s address, evidence of benefits received, reference numbers, etc.

    For applications to change or cancel an existing Order and to enforce an existing Order, you will need the reference of the existing Order - see Appeals & Other Applications.

    2. Submit the forms to the relevant court

    When the forms are complete, signed and dated, you submit them and the application fee to the family court nearest to where the child lives. Some courts require the documents to be submitted via email, whereas others request applications are submitted in person or by post.

    The Family Proceedings Court office will require the original application forms and a number of copies. You can confirm with the court office the number of copies of the forms you need to submit.

    If in doubt, check with the court. To contact the nearest court, email them in the first instance - see NICTS contact details or Court office emails.

    Please be aware that court service staff are not legally qualified, so cannot offer any advice regarding forms and how you should complete them.

    3. Pay the fees

    Fees are paid by cheque or via telephone. The local court office can advise on current fees and can be contacted by calling NI Direct on 0300 200 7812.

    For information on courts fees - see Court fees.

    If you are in receipt of benefits or have a low income, you may qualify for an exemption or reduction in court fees. To apply for an exemption or to claim back court fees, use Form ER1.

    Form ER1 - Fee exemption IF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOW

    You may need to complete more than one form as you must submit a separate form for each individual fee for which you would like help with.

    Court fee refund form should be completed if you have already paid a fee and now realise you could have applied for help, you may be able to claim a refund.

    4. Once the application has been submitted

    Once the court office has received the application and fee, the application will be processed and allocated a case number.

    The Family Proceedings Court office will arrange for service to the other party. This is known as issuing a summons. As the receiving party, the other party is called the respondent.

    When the court receives the Form C4 and/or Form C5 from the respondent, it will send the applicant and respondent a date on which to attend court for a first hearing, known as a Directions Hearing.

    For more information about hearings - see Hearings.

    When the case is listed for hearing

    When the case is listed for hearing, the parties may be required to complete a Hearing Request or Approval form about who will attend the hearing and the issues to be discussed. The court office may send you the form one week prior to the hearing date. The parties may need to collaborate to complete the form before returning it to the court office.

    If you require any special arrangements, an interpreter, a disability which need to be accommodated, you will have informed the court in your application form. However you may wish to double check that these arrangements are in place for the hearing - see Special arrangements below.

  • How to apply to the Family Care Centre

    Remember, applications to the Family Care Centre for initial Orders are very rare. If you are applying to change or cancel or enforce an Order made in the Family Care Centre, the instructions here are relevant.

    1. Fill in the relevant forms

    Form C1 – Initial Application form to the Family Care Centre (County Court) REQUIRED

    Form C1 (FCC) should be submitted as paper copies to the court office by post or in person. You may wish to confirm with the court office how many copies of the forms you need to submit.

    It is the applicant’s responsibility to send a copy of the application to the respondent. The Family Care Centre does not arrange service of the summons to the respondent.

    Form C1A – Additional Information about welfare of the child OPTIONAL

    Form C1A (FCC & HC) should be completed if you believe the child has suffered or is at risk of suffering harm through domestic violence, violence within the household, other conduct or behaviour or ill treatment of another person by a person caring, living or having contact with them.

    Form C1A Guidance Notes (FCC & HC) Guidance Notes on completing Form C1A (FCC & HC) may help you in completing this form.

    Form C5 – Confidential address (Keeping your contact details confidential) OPTIONAL

    Form C5 (FCC & HC) can be completed if you want to keep your contact details confidential from the other party. Send it to the Family Care Centre with your application.

    Hearing request or approval form MAY BE REQUIRED

    You may be required to complete a form in collaboration with the other party if there is going to be hearing. Contact the court to check – see NICTS contact details or Court office emails.

    When the case is listed for hearing, the parties may be required to complete a form about who will attend the hearing and the issues to be discussed.

    The court office may send you the form one week prior to the hearing date. The parties may need to collaborate to complete the form before returning it to the court office.

    The application forms are available on this website Quick Forms and also from the Department of Justice Court Forms.

    When completing the forms

    • Each question should be answered openly and honestly.
    • Provide all relevant information requested.
    • Do not answer questions by referring to another document.
    • Do not attach anything which the court has not asked for.

    Forms need to be completed in full, otherwise they may not be approved by the judge and this could result in a delay in the case being listed for hearing.

    Other documents may be required

    You may need other documents to help you complete the forms. This may include any information or forms that you have received, employment details, details of income, solicitor’s address, evidence of benefits received, reference numbers, etc.

    For applications to change or cancel an existing Order and to enforce an existing Order, you will need the reference of the existing Order - see Appeals & Other Applications.

    2. Submit the forms to the relevant court

    When the forms are complete, signed and dated, you submit them and the application fee to the Family Care Centre nearest to where the child lives and serve the application with accompanying documents on the other party. Some courts require the documents to be submitted via email, while others require them to be submitted in person or by post.

    The Family Care Centre office will require the original application forms and a number of copies. You can confirm with the Family Care Centre office nearest to where the child lives how many copies you need to submit. Email them in the first instance - see NICTS contact details or Court office emails.

    Please be aware that court service staff are not legally qualified, so cannot offer any advice regarding forms and how you should complete them.

    3. Pay the fees

    Fees are paid by cheque or via telephone. The local court office can advise on current fees and can be contacted by calling NI Direct on 0300 200 7812.

    For information on courts fees - see Court fees.

    If you are in receipt of benefits or have a low income, you may qualify for an exemption or reduction in court fees. To apply for an exemption or to claim back court fees, use Form ER1

    Form ER1 - Fee exemption IF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOW

    You may need to complete more than one form as you must submit a separate form for each individual fee for which you would like help with.

    Court fee refund form should be completed if you have already paid a fee and now realise you could have applied for help, you may be able to claim a refund.

    4. Once the application has been submitted

    Once the court office has received the application and fee, the application will be processed and allocated a case number.

    When the court receives the acknowledgement from the respondent, it will send the applicant and respondent a date on which to attend court for a first hearing, known as a Directions Hearing.

    For more information about hearings - see Hearings.

    When the case is listed for hearing

    When the case is listed for hearing, the parties may be required to complete a Hearing Request or Approval form about who will attend the hearing and the issues to be discussed. The court office may send you the form one week prior to the hearing date. The parties may need to collaborate to complete the form before returning it to the court office.

    If you require any special arrangements, an interpreter, a disability which need to be accommodated, you will have informed the court in your application form. However you may wish to double check that these arrangements are in place for the hearing - see Special arrangements below.

Asking for permission to apply for an Order

Some people must first get the permission of the court to make an application. For example, if you do not have parental responsibility or are subject to a restriction to apply by an Article 179(14) Order – see Who can apply to the family court?

  • How to ask for permission to apply to the Family Proceedings Court

    1. Fill in the relevant forms

    Form C2 (FPC) Application for leave to commence proceedings REQUIRED

    Form C2 (FPC) should be completed if you need the court’s permission to make an application. In legal language, Form C2 is for you to ask for permission or “leave” to make a formal request for an Order or “to commence proceedings.”

    It is advisable to also attach the application Form C1 for the Order you are seeking permission to apply for to your Form C2 application. Contact the court office by email to ask whether you need to re-submit the completed Form C1 if permission to apply is given.

    Hearing request or approval form MAY BE REQUIRED

    You may be required to complete a form in collaboration with the other party if there is going to be hearing. Contact the court to check - see NICTS contact details or Court office emails.

    When the case is listed for hearing, the parties may be required to complete a form about who will attend the hearing and the issues to be discussed.

    The court office may send you the form one week prior to the hearing date. The parties may need to collaborate to complete the form before returning it to the court office.

    The application forms are available on this website Quick Forms and also from the Department of Justice Court Forms.

    When completing the forms

    • Each question should be answered openly and honestly.
    • Provide all relevant information requested.
    • Do not answer questions by referring to another document.
    • Do not attach anything which the court has not asked for.

    Forms need to be completed in full, otherwise they may not be approved by the judge and this could result in a delay in the case being listed for hearing.

    Other documents may be required

    You may need other documents to help you complete the forms. This may include any information or forms that you have received, employment details, details of income, solicitor’s address, evidence of benefits received, reference numbers, etc.

    2. Submit the forms to the relevant court

    When the forms are complete, signed and dated, you submit them and the application fee to the family court nearest to where the child lives. Some courts require the documents to be submitted via email, while others require them to be submitted in person or by post.

    The Family Proceedings Court office will require the original application forms and a number of copies. You can confirm with the court office how many copies you need to submit. To contact the nearest court, email them in the first instance - see NICTS contact details or Court office emails.

    Please be aware that court service staff are not legally qualified, so cannot offer any advice regarding forms and how you should complete them.

    3. Pay the fees

    Fees are paid by cheque or via telephone. The local court office can advise on current fees and can be contacted by calling NI Direct on 0300 200 7812.

    For information on courts fees - see Court fees.

    If you are in receipt of benefits or have a low income, you may qualify for an exemption or reduction in court fees. To apply for an exemption or to claim back court fees, use Form ER1.

    Form ER1 - Fee exemption IF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOW

    You may need to complete more than one form as you must submit a separate form for each individual fee for which you would like help with.

    Court fee refund form should be completed if you have already paid a fee and now realise you could have applied for help, you may be able to claim a refund.

    4. Once the application has been submitted

    Once the court office has received the application and fee, the application will be processed and allocated a case number.

    A judge will look at your application. When a judge is deciding whether or not to give you permission to apply, they will usually look at:

    • The relationship between you and the child;
    • What arrangement you are asking for;
    • Any risk that what you are asking for would have a negative impact on the child, for example if it would disrupt the child’s life to such an extent that they would be harmed by it.

    If the child is being looked after by the local authority, the judge may also want to know:

    • Where the child is currently living;
    • What the authority plans to do for the child in the future;
    • The wishes and feelings of the child’s parents.

    5. What happens next

    When you apply for permission to apply for an Order, the judge may decide to list your application for a hearing and hear both the application for permission and application for the Order together in the same hearing.

    However, each court is different, and the judge may first consider the application for permission and, if permission is granted, then require the application for the Order to be made from scratch. You will be notified by the court office of how the applications will be listed and if they will be heard together.

  • How to ask for permission to apply to the Family Care Centre

    1. Fill in the relevant forms

    Form C2 (FCC & HC) Application for leave to commence proceedings REQUIRED

    Form C2 (FCC & HC) should be completed if you need the court’s permission to make an application. In legal language, Form C2 is for you to ask for permission or “leave” to make a formal request for an Order or “to commence proceedings.”

    It is advisable to also attach the application Form C1 for the Order you are seeking permission to apply for to your Form C2 application. Contact the court office by email to ask whether you need to re-submit the completed Form C1 if permission to apply is given.

    Hearing request or approval form MAY BE REQUIRED

    You may be required to complete a form in collaboration with the other party if there is going to be hearing. Contact the court to check - see NICTS contact details or Court office emails.

    When the case is listed for hearing, the parties may be required to complete a form about who will attend the hearing and the issues to be discussed.

    The court office may send you the form one week prior to the hearing date. The parties may need to collaborate to complete the form before returning it to the court office.

    The application forms are available on this website Quick Forms and also from the Department of Justice Court Forms.

    When completing the forms

    • Each question should be answered openly and honestly.
    • Provide all relevant information requested.
    • Do not answer questions by referring to another document.
    • Do not attach anything which the court has not asked for.

    Forms need to be completed in full, otherwise they may not be approved by the judge and this could result in a delay in the case being listed for hearing.

    Other documents may be required

    You may need other documents to help you complete the forms. This may include any information or forms that you have received, employment details, details of income, solicitor’s address, evidence of benefits received, reference numbers, etc.

    2. Submit the forms to the relevant court

    When the forms are complete, signed and dated, you submit them and the application fee to the Family Care Centre nearest to where the child lives. Some courts require the documents to be submitted via email, while others require them to be submitted in person or by post.

    The Family Care Centre office will require the original application forms and a number of copies. You can confirm with the Family Care Centre office how many copies you need to submit. To contact the court, email them in the first instance - see NICTS contact details or Court office emails.

    Please be aware that court service staff are not legally qualified, so cannot offer any advice regarding forms and how you should complete them.

    3. Pay the fees

    Fees are paid by cheque or via telephone. The local court office can advise on current fees and can be contacted by calling NI Direct on 0300 200 7812.

    For information on courts fees - see Court fees.

    If you are in receipt of benefits or have a low income, you may qualify for an exemption or reduction in court fees. To apply for an exemption or to claim back court fees, use Form ER1.

    Form ER1 - Fee exemption IF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOW

    You may need to complete more than one form as you must submit a separate form for each individual fee for which you would like help with.

    Court fee refund form should be completed if you have already paid a fee and now realise you could have applied for help, you may be able to claim a refund.

    4. Once the application has been submitted

    Once the court office has received the application and fee, the application will be processed and allocated a case number.

    A judge will look at your application. When a judge is deciding whether or not to give you permission to apply, they will usually look at:

    • The relationship between you and the child;
    • What arrangement you are asking for;
    • Any risk that what you are asking for would have a negative impact on the child, for example if it would disrupt the child’s life to such an extent that they would be harmed by it.

    If the child is being looked after by the local authority, the judge may also want to know:

    • Where the child is currently living;
    • What the authority plans to do for the child in the future;
    • The wishes and feelings of the child’s parents.

    5. What happens next

    When you apply for permission to apply for an Order, the judge may decide to list your application for a hearing and hear both the application for permission and application for the Order together in the same hearing.

    However, each court is different, and the judge may first consider the application for permission and, if permission is granted, then require the application for the Order to be made from scratch. You will be notified by the court office of how the applications will be listed and if they will be heard together.

Applying in ongoing proceedings

The process to apply is different when there are ongoing proceedings, also called existing proceedings or live proceedings. Ongoing proceedings are when an application has been made for an Order and the case has been listed for hearing but no final decision or court Order has been made.

Follow these instructions for applications for:

  • An additional Order or directions in ongoing proceedings
  • To be joined as a party to ongoing proceedings
  • To stop being a party in ongoing proceedings

If you are making an additional application in your existing case, make sure you apply to the correct level of court.

  • How to apply to the Family Proceedings Court in ongoing proceedings

    1. Fill in the relevant forms

    Form C2 (FPC) – Application form for an Order or directions in existing proceedings, to be joined as or cease to be a party in existing proceedings REQUIRED

    Form C2 (FPC) should be completed when there are already ongoing proceedings in the Family Proceedings Court. For example, if a parent is applying for a Contact Order and then wants to prevent the other parent from moving the child to a new school, they can apply for a Prohibited Steps Order during the on-going contact proceedings using Form C2.

    If you wish to be joined to existing proceedings, also use Form C2. For example, a judge can give an Order for a person to be included in proceedings which they are not automatically involved in, such as a step-parent who the child has been living with for at least 3 years.

    If a party no longer wants to be party to existing proceedings, also use Form C2.

    Hearing request or approval form MAY BE REQUIRED

    You may be required to complete a form in collaboration with the other party if there is going to be hearing. Contact the court to check.

    When the case is listed for hearing, the parties may be required to complete a form about who will attend the hearing and the issues to be discussed.

    The court office may send you the form one week prior to the hearing date. The parties may need to collaborate to complete the form before returning it to the court office.

    When completing the forms

    • Each question should be answered openly and honestly.
    • Provide all relevant information requested.
    • Do not answer questions by referring to another document.
    • Do not attach anything which the court has not asked for.

    Forms need to be completed in full, otherwise they may not be approved by the judge and this could result in a delay in the case being listed for hearing.

    Other documents may be required

    You may need other documents to help you complete the forms. This may include any information or forms that you have received, employment details, details of income, solicitor’s address, evidence of benefits received, reference numbers, etc.

    2. Submit the forms to the relevant court

    When the forms are complete, signed and dated, you submit them and the application fee to the family court where the case is ongoing. Some courts require the documents to be submitted via email, while others require them to be submitted in person or by post.

    The Family Proceedings Court office will require the original application forms and a number of copies. You can confirm how many copies you need to submit by contacting the court office. To contact the court, email them in the first instance - see NICTS contact details or Court office emails.

    Please be aware that court service staff are not legally qualified, so cannot offer any advice regarding forms and how you should complete them.

    3. Pay the fees

    Fees are paid by cheque or via telephone. The local court office can advise on current fees and can be contacted by calling NI Direct on 0300 200 7812.

    For information on courts fees - see Court fees.

    If you are in receipt of benefits or have a low income, you may qualify for an exemption or reduction in court fees. To apply for an exemption or to claim back court fees, use Form ER1.

    Form ER1 - Fee exemption IF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOW

    You may need to complete more than one form as you must submit a separate form for each individual fee for which you would like help with.

    Court fee refund form should be completed if you have already paid a fee and now realise you could have applied for help, you may be able to claim a refund.

    4. Once the application has been submitted

    Once the court office has received the application and fee, the application will be processed and joined to the ongoing proceedings.

  • How to apply to the Family Care Centre in ongoing proceedings

    1. Fill in the relevant forms

    Form C2 (FCC & HC) – Application form for an Order or directions in existing proceedings, to be joined as or cease to be a party in existing proceedings REQUIRED

    Form C2 (FCC & HC) should be completed when there are already ongoing proceedings in the Family Proceedings Court. For example, if a parent is applying for a Contact Order and then wants to prevent the other parent from moving the child to a new school, they can apply for a Prohibited Steps Order during the on-going contact proceedings using Form C2.

    If you wish to be joined to existing proceedings, also use Form C2. For example, a judge can give an Order for a person to be included in proceedings which they are not automatically involved in, such as a step-parent who the child has been living with for at least 3 years.

    If a party no longer wants to be party to existing proceedings, also use Form C2.

    Hearing request or approval form MAY BE REQUIRED

    You may be required to complete a form in collaboration with the other party if there is going to be hearing. Contact the court to check.

    When the case is listed for hearing, the parties may be required to complete a form about who will attend the hearing and the issues to be discussed.

    The court office may send you the form one week prior to the hearing date. The parties may need to collaborate to complete the form before returning it to the court office.

    When completing the forms

    • Each question should be answered openly and honestly.
    • Provide all relevant information requested.
    • Do not answer questions by referring to another document.
    • Do not attach anything which the court has not asked for.

    Forms need to be completed in full, otherwise they may not be approved by the judge and this could result in a delay in the case being listed for hearing.

    Other documents may be required

    You may need other documents to help you complete the forms. This may include any information or forms that you have received, employment details, details of income, solicitor’s address, evidence of benefits received, reference numbers, etc.

    Submit the forms to the relevant court

    When the forms are complete, signed and dated, you submit them and the application fee to the Family Care Centre where the case is ongoing. Some courts require the documents to be submitted via email, while others require them to be submitted in person or by post.

    The Family Care Centre office will require the original application forms and a number of copies. You can confirm how many copies you need to submit with the court office. To contact the nearest court, email them in the first instance - see NICTS contact details or Court office emails.

    Please be aware that court service staff are not legally qualified, so cannot offer any advice regarding forms and how you should complete them

    3. Pay the fees

    Fees are paid by cheque or via telephone. The local court office can advise on current fees and can be contacted by calling NI Direct on 0300 200 7812.

    For information on courts fees - see Court fees.

    If you are in receipt of benefits or have a low income, you may qualify for an exemption or reduction in court fees. To apply for an exemption or to claim back court fees, use Form ER1

    Form ER1 - Fee exemption IF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES ALLOW

    You may need to complete more than one form as you must submit a separate form for each individual fee for which you would like help with.

    Court fee refund form should be completed if you have already paid a fee and now realise you could have applied for help, you may be able to claim a refund.

    4. Once the application has been submitted

    Once the court office has received the application and fee, the application will be processed and joined to the ongoing proceedings.

Responding to an application

Receiving a summons can come as a surprise and sometimes people panic when they receive the letter from the court.

If you receive a summons and are unsure what to do, you may want to consider getting independent legal advice – see Get advice.

If you hire a legal representative, they can respond to the summons for you and guide you through the process.

If you are not represented and have chosen to manage your case without a legal representative, you will need to respond to the summons yourself.

The process is similar in the different levels of family court, but the forms may be different.

  • How to respond to an application

    1. Acknowledge service

    Form C4 Acknowledgement REQUIRED

    You will need to complete the Acknowledgement of Service (Form C4) and return it to the court office within 14 calendar days, i.e. 10 working days. This form also asks whether you oppose the application that has been made.

    Failure to return the Acknowledgement of Service may result in the court hearing going ahead without you.

    The process to acknowledge the summons is the same for an initial application, an application in ongoing proceedings or an application to change or cancel an existing Order but there are different Acknowledgement forms for the different levels of court. Make sure you send the correct Acknowledgment of Service form to the correct level of court:

    Form C4 (FPC) is used to acknowledge an application to the Family Proceedings Court – Magistrates’ Court

    Form C4 (FCC & HC) is used to acknowledge an application to the Family Care Centre – County Court or to the High Court.

    2. Do not want your address to be disclosed

    Form C5 Confidential address OPTIONAL

    If you do not want the other party to know your home address, you can also complete and return Form C5.

    Form C5 (FPC) is used to request the Family Proceedings Court – Magistrates’ Court that your contact details are kept confidential.

    Form C5 (FCC & HC) is used to request the Family Care Centre – County Court or the High Court that your contact details are kept confidential.

    3. Decide if you want to apply for an Order

    As the respondent, you can also apply at this stage for a separate Order, such as a Residence Order, Prohibited Steps Order or Specific Issue Order – see Family court Orders. Instructions on how to do this are given above.

    4. Once you've submitted the Acknowledgment of Service

    When the court receives Form C4 and/or Form C5, it will send the applicant and respondent a date on which to attend court for a first hearing, known as a Directions Hearing. For more information about hearings, see Hearings.

    5. When the case is listed for hearing

    When the case is listed for hearing, the parties may be required to complete a form about who will attend the hearing and the issues to be discussed. The court office may send the form one week prior to the hearing date. The parties may need to collaborate to complete the form before returning it to the court.

Appealing a decision

For more information on appealing a decision made by the court - see  Appeals.

Special arrangements

If your case goes to court, will you need:

  • an interpreter?
  • special help or facilities because you have a disability – for example, a hearing loop or sign language interpreter?
  • arrangements to help keep you safe?

Inform the court

You can tell the court office what you need in the relevant sections of Form C1 (Family Proceedings Court) or Form C1 (Family Care Centre or High Court) - see Quick forms - or by emailing them about your specific needs. The court should contact you to find out more about your specific needs before the hearing.

Inform the judge

You can also make the judge aware early in the proceedings if you need special arrangements.