What family courts do
Family courts decide on applications related to a child when parents or those with parental responsibility cannot agree.
Web resource for making arrangements for children when parents are no longer together.
We understand that you will have many questions about how to make arrangements for your child or children when there is a change in your family circumstances.
We have developed this resource to guide you through the process whether you have legal representation, are representing yourself in proceedings (litigant in person) or seeking an alternative to Family Court in Northern Ireland.
Every family’s situation is unique. You may be in the middle of making your child arrangements or deciding what the best course of action to take.
Below are a number of resources that can help you to make informed decisions about your family situation especially if you are representing yourself as a litigant in person.
Family courts decide on applications related to a child when parents or those with parental responsibility cannot agree.
Want to apply for a family court Order or need to respond to a Summons? Are you represented or a...
You don’t have to go to court to sort out arrangements for your child if you separate. There are alternatives...
Read here about how to apply for a family court Order or respond to a Summons.
Find out who will be in a hearing and what the different types of hearing are for - first directions,...
Glossary of legal terms commonly used in family law cases.
Quick links to court forms. If you know what form you are looking for, click the link to download it.
See here for Court Forms and other useful websites: mediation, advice, support and more.
Use Pathfinder tool for personalised help.
View the site map for Family Court Information