Mission Statement

Our vision is to embolden staff, students and all our stakeholders to become sustainable business futures leaders.

We aim to support and showcase sustainability research and education across Ulster University Business School.

We do so by embedding the sustainable futures agenda into five remits: sustainability performance, research and knowledge exchange, learning and teaching, student experience and communications and engagement.

Five Remits

Research and knowledge exchange image

Research and knowledge exchange

To develop, support and disseminate sustainability-themed research within the Faculty and beyond.

Remit 1
Communications and engagement image

Communications and engagement

To develop internal and external communications and engagement activities relating to the UUBS Sustainability Committee’s work....

Remit 2
Learning and teaching image

Learning and teaching

To support and develop ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ within the Faculty’s Learning and Teaching portfolio.

Remit 3
Student experience image

Student experience

To raise student awareness of and engagement in sustainability and the SDGs; and to enhance student experience through sustainability-themed activities....

Remit 4
Sustainability performance image

Sustainability performance

To develop new and existing monitoring and reporting mechanisms of UUBS Sustainability activities.

Remit 5

The SDG Dashboard

The SDG Dashboard is a collaborative data analytics platform designed to assist higher education institutions in reporting and sharing best practice impacts on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and accelerate the transformation of higher education into a force for good.

Ulster University Business School's SDG Mobile Dashboard

Meet the UUBS Sustainability Committee

Meet the UUBS Sustainability Committee

Learn more about the people involved in Sustainable Business Futures.

Meet the team