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The Accounting, Finance and Economics Research Group (AFERG) was established to foster an inclusive research environment that facilitates, supports and encourages research and collaboration both within the department and with other subject areas.

A number of distinct research themes exist within the group some of which overlap the different disciplines.

The main research themes include corporate governance, gender, volunteering, performance measurement, management, financial regulation, public finance, econometric techniques used in finance, the history of economics and macroeconomics.

The group has global research interests that span a variety of organisation types including third sector organisations, public sector organisations and private sector entities.


The AFERG was established in 2013 to:

  • promote a scholarly environment for research within the Department that is inclusive and recognises the value of all levels of academic research
  • provide a platform for early stage researchers to share their ideas and to receive support and feedback in an informal setting
  • provide a forum for more experienced academics to discuss their work and to foster links with other departments and academics from within the University
  • develop external links with academics from other universities by inviting guest speakers to present their work and to provide feedback on the research currently being developed by members
  • encourage members to obtain funding from external bodies
  • promote the dissemination of relevant research issues through teaching
