The Faculty of Life and Health Sciences offers a range of postgraduate degree programmes across seven diverse disciplines. Our courses give you the skills and ambition you need to succeed in your future career.
Full-time study
Applied Behaviour Analysis - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Coleraine campus
The MSc Applied Behaviour Analysis is a Verified Course Sequence of the Behaviour Analyst Certification Board
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Applied Psychology (Mental Health and Psychological Therapies) - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Coleraine campus
Accredited therapy training, practice-relevant research methodologies, and the application of mental health theory across the lifespan.
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Biotechnology Research - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Coleraine campus
Training in biotechnology research with a strong emphasis on development of advanced practical skills.
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Dietetics - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Coleraine campus
Intensive 20 month course with integral practice placements providing pre-registration training in dietetics for science graduates.
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Food Regulatory Affairs - PgCert/PgDip/MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year
The programme provides postgraduate training in food regulatory affairs.
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Food Regulatory Affairs - PgCert/PgDip/MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
The programme provides postgraduate training in food regulatory affairs.
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Food and Nutrition - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year
Understanding key aspects of the science of food and nutrition in the context of regulatory affairs, policy and legislation.
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Food and Nutrition - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
Understanding key aspects of the science of food and nutrition in the context of regulatory affairs, policy and legislation.
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Geographic Information Systems - PgDip/MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year
Empower your future: Gain hands-on GIS skills through flexible learning to secure your career &ndash
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Geographic Information Systems - PgDip/MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
Empower your future: Gain hands-on GIS skills through flexible learning to secure your career &ndash
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Health Promotion and Public Health - PgCert/PgDip/MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
Developing the knowledge, skills and expertise for effective public health practice in a rapidly changing world.
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Health and Wellbeing - PgDip/MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year , , Belfast campus
Developing highly knowledgeable and skilled graduates for the health and social care professions.
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Human Nutrition - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Coleraine campus
Intensive 12 month taught master's course in Human Nutrition for science graduates which is accredited by the Association for Nutrition.
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Nursing - PgCert/PgDip/MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
The MSc Nursing is a challenging course suitable for qualified nurses who wish to develop higher levels of criticality in research and leadership.
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Personalised Medicine - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year
The right treatment, for the right person, at the right time.
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Personalised Medicine - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
The right treatment, for the right person, at the right time.
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Pharmaceutical Sciences - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Coleraine campus
This programme is designed to provide an up-to-date knowledge and understanding of core areas of pharmaceutical manufacturing and research.
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Physician Associate Studies - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Derry~Londonderry campus
Two year intensive Master's programme training Physician Associates to deliver first contact medical care under the supervision of a senior doctor.
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Specialist Community Public Health Nursing - PgDip Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
This course will prepare the student to become Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (NMC 2022) and achieve the academic award of PGDip in SCPHN.
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Specialist Nursing Practice with Integrated Independent and Supplementary Prescribing (V300) - PgDip Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
This course will deliver innovative academic excellence in research, leadership and person-centred assessment in specialist practice nursing care.
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Sport and Exercise Medicine - PgDip/MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
'Providing clinicians with the requisite skills to excel in sports medicine'
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Sport and Exercise Nutrition - PgDip/MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
Educating the Sports Nutritionists of the future
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Sport and Exercise Psychology - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
Providing a recognised level of training for aspiring professionals in the field of sport and exercise psychology.
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Strength and Conditioning - MSc Full-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
'Providing coaches with a foundation to excel'
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Part-time study
Advanced Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course focuses on the formulation, characterisation and evaluation of novel pharmaceutical delivery systems based on nanotechnology.
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Advanced Pharmacy Practice - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
Pharmacists developing skills and knowledge in advanced practice enabling them to lead, develop and support practitioners across the healthcare system
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Advanced Practice - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
Students will develop their practice in an advanced way to provide a holistic care experience to benefit both the service and patient.
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Advanced Research Methods for the Biotechnologist Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year , , Coleraine campus
To equip students with a critical understanding of the underlying principles of advanced, technically challenging research methods in biotechnology.
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Advancing Care for People with Continence Disorders Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
Enabling students from a variety of disciplines to increase their knowledge in relation to the advancement of effective and proactive continence care.
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Advancing Care for People with Stoma Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
Enables the student to carefully consider a range of issues related to advancing care for people with a stoma across the lifespan
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Advancing Care for People with Urological Disorders Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
Assists the student to identify ways in which they can act as a positive force for the advancement of well-being in people with urological disorders
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Advancing Practice - PgCert/PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
The School of Health Sciences aims to provide quality advanced education for Allied Health Professionals to enhance their skills in client care.
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Applied Behaviour Analysis - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Coleraine campus
The MSc Applied Behaviour Analysis is a pathway to UKSBA Registration accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health & Social Care
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Applied Health Studies - PgCert/PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
Providing flexible and engaging distance learning opportunities to students keen to succeed in today's challenging health and social care environment.
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Applied Psychology (Mental Health and Psychological Therapies) - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Coleraine campus
In-depth therapy training, practice-relevant research methodologies, and the application of mental health theory across the lifespan.
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Assessment of Perinatal Mental Health and Wellbeing Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year , , Belfast campus
This module will provide students with the skills to complete an assessment of the MH needs of pregnant women and new mothers.
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Biodiversity Management Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
This module aims to provide the scientific knowledge and skills necessary for understanding and implementing biodiversity management.
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Biomedical Informatics Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This short course develops essential skills, knowledge & understanding of biomedical informatics in relation to basic & applied research and practice.
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Biomedical Science - GradCert Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
Education and professional training in the biomedical sciences.
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Biomedical Science - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year
MSc Biomedical Science part-time by distance learning.
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Biomedical Science - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
MSc Biomedical Science part-time by distance learning.
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Business Practice and Commercial Awareness in Pharmacy Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course aims to critically evaluate, develop and apply business practice and commercial awareness in the marketing of pharmaceutical services.
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Cataract and Refractive Surgery (Theory) - PgDip Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
This course covers all the most recent advances in laser refractive and refractive cataract surgery, from pre-assessment to complex case management
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Clinical Decision Making and Diagnostic Theory Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course details the regulatory and clinical guidance which is required to ensure the use of clinical tests are evidence-based.
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Clinical Trials Design and Patient Recruitment Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course integrates knowledge of the clinical trials process with patient recruitment.
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Clinical governance, regulatory processes and ethics Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course provides an understanding of the importance of clinical and research ethics and governance, including regulatory processes involved.
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Community Nurse Practitioner Prescribing V150 L7 Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year , , Belfast campus
Prepares safe & effective Community Nurse Prescribers who are competent to prescribe from the Nurse Prescribers' Formulary for Community Prescribers
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Diabetes Management in Primary Care Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year , , Belfast campus
Multi-disciplinary module providing opportunity for healthcare professionals to advance their knowledge in meeting needs of those living with diabetes
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Drug Discovery, Development and Delivery Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course focuses on understanding of the processes involved from drug discovery and development to how the drugs are brought to the market place.
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Education for Healthcare Professionals - PgCert Part-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year , , Belfast campus
Enhancing practitioners professional development in education.
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Education for Healthcare Professionals - PgCert Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
Enhancing practitioners professional development in education.
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Environmental Data Analysis Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
This short course introduces participants to information technology and presentation skills relevant to the environmental manager/researcher.
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Environmental Impact Assessment Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course introduces environmental impact assessment, the methodology of carrying out an environmental audit and environmental management systems.
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Environmental Management - PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
This established course combines environmental management practice and theory with proven excellence in distance learning.
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Environmental Management with Geographic Information Systems - PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
This innovative course combines teaching of Environmental Management techniques with skills in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
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Environmental Toxicology Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
This module provides knowledge and skills necessary to understand the impact of chemicals in the environment.
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Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Monitoring - PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
This is the only MSc in Environmental Toxicology & Pollution Monitoring in the United Kingdom. This course is running since 1999.
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Food Regulatory Affairs - PgCert/PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year
The programme provides fully online postgraduate training in food regulatory affairs.
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Food Regulatory Affairs - PgCert/PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
The programme provides fully online postgraduate training in food regulatory affairs.
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Food and Nutrition - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year
Understanding key aspects of the science of food and nutrition in the context of regulatory affairs policy and legislation.
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Food and Nutrition - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
Understanding key aspects of the science of food and nutrition in the context of regulatory affairs policy and legislation.
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GIS Databases Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
This module examines the methods by which data can be stored, accessed and manipulated in order to provide high quality databases for GI Systems
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GIS Databases Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course examines the methods by which data can be stored, accessed and manipulated in order to provide high quality databases for GI Systems
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GIS in Business and Society Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course introduces GIS relevant management and decision making concepts in business and society.
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General Practice Nursing - PgCert Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
A one year exciting and challenging course for nurses working in General Practice
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Geographic Information Systems - PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year
Empower your future: Gain hands-on GIS skills through flexible learning to secure your career &ndash
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Geographic Information Systems - PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
Empower your future: Gain hands-on GIS skills through flexible learning to secure your career &ndash
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Health Assessment and Clinical Reasoning Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year , , Belfast campus
Develop and enhance the student knowledge base and practice of health assessment and facilitate the development of problem solving skills
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Health Promotion and Public Health - PgCert/PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
Developing the knowledge, skills and expertise for effective public health practice in a changing world.
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Health and Wellbeing - PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year , , Belfast campus
Developing highly knowledgeable and skilled graduates for the health and social care professions.
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Healthcare Economics and Innovation in Personalised Medicine Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This short course provides an understanding of the complex provision of economically viable therapeutics in healthcare.
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Human Nutrition - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Coleraine campus
Intensive master's course in Human Nutrition for science graduates which is accredited by the Association for Nutrition.
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In Silico Genomic Proteomic & Metabolomic Analyses Methods Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
To introduce and describe the concepts and the methods of in silico based manipulation and analysis of genome, proteome and metabolome.
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Industrial Biotechnology Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year , , Coleraine campus
To equip students with a critical understanding of the key principles, technologies and applications of biotechnology in various industrial sectors.
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Instrumental Methods in Pharmaceutical Sciences Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course provides participants with the ability to select and apply appropriate methods and instrumentation for quality control/quality assurance.
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Introduction to Personalised Medicine & Pharmacogenomics Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
Develop students understanding of principles of personalised medicine & encourage them to consider the fundamental aspects & issues within this field.
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Mathematical and Computational Methods Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
To provide students with the skills and understanding sufficient to be able to design, implement & critique mathematical analysis of biomedical data.
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Medicines Management - PgCert Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
Supporting enhanced practice and patient centred health care through independent prescribing by Allied Health Professionals.
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Non-Medical Prescribing - PgCert Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
This exciting course gives registered nurses/midwives the opportunity to achieve the NMC recorded qualification of Independent Prescribing (V300).
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Nursing - PgCert/PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
The MSc Nursing is a course suitable for qualified nurses who wish to develop higher levels of criticality in research, practice and leadership.
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Personalised Medicine - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year
The right treatment, for the right person, at the right time.
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Personalised Medicine - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
The right treatment, for the right person, at the right time.
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Pharmaceutical Sciences - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
This program is designed to provide up-to-date knowledge and understanding of core areas of pharmaceutical sciences.
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Pollution Monitoring Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to monitor pollution of the environment.
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Principles of Forensic Healthcare Practice Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year , , Belfast campus
Develops the students' decisions making skills and assessment of risk to work safely and effectively in forensic healthcare settings.
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Principles of GIS Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course introduces the theory and practice of GIS (Geographic Information Systems).
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Principles of GIS Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
This course introduces the theory and practice of GIS (Geographic Information Systems).
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Principles of Working with People with Learning Disabilities who display Challenging Behaviour Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year , , Belfast campus
Provides the student with the necessary knowledge and skills required to understand what challenging behaviour is
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Principles of assessing people with learning disabilities and mental health problems Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year , , Belfast campus
Provides the student with the necessary knowledge and skills to work under supervision in assessing/screening an individual with a learning disability
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Programming for GIS and Remote Sensing Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This module gives students an introduction to programming skills and their application in GIS and Remote Sensing.
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Remote Sensing Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
This module addresses the scope of remotely-sensed images as another source of GIS data as well as extending mutual benefits of data integration.
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Remote Sensing Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course addresses the scope of remotely-sensed images as another source of GIS data as well as extending mutual benefits of data integration.
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Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems - PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year
Enhance your career with our dynamic course in Remote Sensing and GIS, designed to boost your professional skills and employability!
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Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems - PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
Enhance your career with our dynamic course in Remote Sensing and GIS, designed to boost your professional skills and employability!
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Return to Practice Nursing Part-time , Postgraduate , entry year , , Belfast campus
Ulster University is the sole provider for Return to Practice Nursing in Northern Ireland.
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Specialist Nursing Practice with Integrated Independent and Supplementary Prescribing (V300) - PgDip Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
This course will deliver innovative academic excellence in research, leadership and person-centred assessment in specialist practice nursing care.
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Spirometry for Healthcare Professionals Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year , , Belfast campus
This will equip you to accurately produce & critically analyse the interpretation of spirometry readings, leading to an accurate diagnosis & treatment
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Sport and Exercise Medicine - PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
'Providing clinicians with the requisite skills to excel in sports medicine'
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Sport and Exercise Nutrition - PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
Educating the Sports Nutritionists of the future
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Sport and Exercise Psychology - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
Providing a recognised level of training for aspiring professionals in the field of sport and exercise psychology
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Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year , , Coleraine campus
To provide a comprehensive understanding of current developments in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine as a disruptive biotechnology.
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Strength and Conditioning - MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year , , Belfast campus
'Providing coaches with a foundation to excel'
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Synthetic Biology Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year , , Coleraine campus
To provide students with an overview of synthetic biology and its application to biotechnological innovation.
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The Fundamentals of Adult Continence Promotion Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
To develop and enhance knowledge in relation to proactive, person-centered continence management
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The Fundamentals of Stoma Care Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
Helps healthcare professionals to identify how they can play an increasingly influential role in assisting the person living with a stoma
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The Fundamentals of Urology Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
Assisting healthcare professionals to play a greater role in urological care
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The Theory of Independent Prescribing for Optometrists - PgCert Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
Postgraduate Certificate in The Theory of Independent Prescribing for Optometrists
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Veterinary Public Health - PgCert Part-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year
The programme provides postgraduate training in Veterinary Public Health.
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Veterinary Public Health - PgCert Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
The programme provides postgraduate training in Veterinary Public Health.
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Veterinary Public Health (Food Regulatory Affairs) - PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2026/27 entry year
The programme provides postgraduate training in Food Regulatory Affairs with Veterinary Public Health specialism.
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Veterinary Public Health (Food Regulatory Affairs) - PgDip/MSc Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
The programme provides postgraduate training in Food Regulatory Affairs with Veterinary Public Health specialism.
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Water Management Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course provides an opportunity for participants to develop their understanding of processes in the environment and in water treatment.
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Web-based GIS Part-time , Postgraduate , 2025/26 entry year
This module provides an introduction to web-based GIS using a range of languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
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Web-based GIS Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course provides an introduction to web-based GIS using a range of languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
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Zoonoses and Public Health Part-time , Postgraduate , 2024/25 entry year
This course focuses on a comprehensive, detailed and systematic understanding of the impact of zoonoses on public health and pharmacy practice.