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Welcome to the ADRC NI roadmap. Here you will discover all the information you need to get started as an administrative data researcher in Northern Ireland.

Given the intricacies involved with the process of conducting research using administrative data, the ADRC NI team has created a one-stop shop with all the information you need to successfully complete a project from start to finish. This roadmap consists of different pages, which include instructional videos, as well as additional documents regarding a range of topics, including how to become an accredited researcher, how to access the safe environments, as well as a walkthrough of the research and ethics applications. You can easily access the different pages by using the links imbedded in the guides or by using the buttons on the toolbar below.

If you are ready to begin using the roadmap, please start the introduction guide on this page.

We wish you the best of luck in your research endeavours!

Introduction to ADR NI

In this section

Honest Broker Service

Get more information about Honest Broker Service.


Get more information about Northern Ireland Longitudinal or Mortality Study .

Frequently asked questions

View answers to common queries on Administrative Data Research.

Ethical Application

Get more information about Ethical Application.