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Welcome to the Practice Learning Resources area, where you will be able to locate information to support practice learning experiences for students and those who support them when undertaking programmes with practice learning components.

Resources are sectioned out by programmes and core materials. Many of these documents are in PDF format and so the most up-to-date version of Adobe Reader will be required to open such documents (available free to download).

Post-Registration Practice Learning

This area contains portfolios needed for those Students undertaking Post-Registration Programmes that lead to registration or recordable qualifications with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Practice Learning Induction Packs

These folders, organised by organisation, provide access to induction packs for students undertaking BSc Hons Nursing (Adult and Mental Health).

These packs are made available to students in order to orientate the student and assist them to settle into the learning environment.

Packs not present here will be available within the practice learning environment.

Please select the organisation you are placed within below to see which induction packs are available.

Policies & Procedures

This areas provides a number of policies and procedures relevant to Students and those supporting their learning in practice learning settings.

Additional policies and procedures are available within the Links section.

Policies and Procedures

Return to Practice


This resource provides live links to relevant policies and procedures for Students and those supporting their learning in practice learning settings.

In this section

Nursing Links

Linked to Practice Learning Resources.