Boost your career and employability
Boost your career and employability with our FREE AHP courses.
Specialist training and development short courses for cross-border area health and social care providers.
Take a look through our range of FREE AHP MSc level modules.
Upskill with Ulster University in partnership with CHITIN
The Cross-border Healthcare Intervention Trials in Ireland Network (CHITIN) portfolio, through the Health and Social Care Research and Development (HSC R&D) Division, Public Health Agency, has fully-funded the delivery of specialist training and development activities to Allied Health Professionals in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
The CHITIN portfolio
The CHITIN portfolio is a unique cross-border partnership between the PHA and the Health Research Board (HRB) Ireland.
It is supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme, which is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

What's on offer
We are offering a range of free, MSc credit bearing, modules to enable Allied Health Professionals to reframe current clinical practices and share opportunities for transformational service delivery in Ireland.
This is a fantastic opportunity to share best practice with your peers across the island of Ireland.
You can choose from seven MSc level modules to update your knowledge within your chosen career.
Courses will be taught fully online, delivered by our world leading and experienced course teams who will fully support you throughout the programme with a combination of online lectures, tutorials and other online resource tools.
There are also opportunities to progress to full Masters programmes on completion.
See entry requirements for more details about eligibility criteria.
Allied Health Professional Courses
Now is the time to upskill with the School of Health Sciences and CHITIN.
We are offering a range of seven FREE modules.
Our courses are fully funded by the CHITIN portfolio through the HSC (R&D Division), Public Health Agency, Northern Ireland and are designed to further develop your clinical knowledge and skills and ultimately enhance your service delivery and practices.
The aim of this training programme “is to enable Allied Health Professional staff to reframe their practices to lead service developments drawing upon best practices elsewhere and to be at the forefront of transformational service delivery in Ireland, particularly at the border regions”.
All courses are fully funded by the CHITIN portfolio through the Health and Social Care (Research and Development) Division of the Public Health Agency Northern Ireland.
We have developed these online courses to help you upskill as an Allied Health Professional.
Professional Development in Practice (OTH 701)
Professional Development in Practice
Study level
Postgraduate 15 M level credits
Course delivery
Fully online
Watch the video
Long Term Conditions (PTH 701)
Long Term Conditions
Study level
Postgraduate 30 M level credits
Course delivery
Fully online
Watch the video
Global Health Care Perspectives (PTH 700)
Global Health Care Perspectives
Study level
Postgraduate 30 M level credits
Course delivery
Fully online
Watch the video
Entrepreneurial Leadership (OTH 700)
Entrepreneurial Leadership
Study level
Postgraduate 15 M level credits
Course delivery
Fully online
Watch the video
Research Evidence in Health Science (OTH 814)
Research Evidence in Health Science
Study level
Postgraduate 15 M level credits
Course delivery
Fully online
Research Project Preparation (OTH 812)
Research Project Preparation
Study level
Postgraduate 15 M level credits
Course delivery
Fully online
Watch the video
Living with Dementia: An Allied Health Professional (AHP Approach)
Dementia is increasingly recognised as a global health concern, and in Ireland it is estimated that approximately 55,000 people live with this diagnosis. Consequently, allied health professionals (AHPs) are likely to work with person’s living with dementia, and/or their caregivers and supporters, irrespective of practice context.
This module has therefore been designed to support AHPs grow and advance their knowledge and understanding of the lived experience of dementia. Module content will include an overview of perspectives that can help to influence and shape an AHP approach to working with people living with dementia e.g., exploration of a rights-based approach to practice, an introduction to person-centred healthcare, including perspectives of citizenship.
The right to rehabilitation in dementia will be appraised including the opportunity to analyse and evaluate existing examples of AHP rehabilitation interventions and programmes. Using this knowledge, including insights from practice, learners will creatively generate and present how their contribution can improve outcomes for people living with dementia, their caregivers, and supporters.
The training period comprises 4 semesters over which you can register and take any of the 6 modules.
You can register to take one or more of the modules over the training period.
We are currently accepting applications for semesters 1&2 intakes of the academic year 2022/23.This will be the last year of the training period. The deadline for applications to be received for consideration for the academic year is midnight on Monday 1 August 2022.
The training period comprises:
- Semesters 1 & 2 academic year 2021/2022 - fully subscribed
- Semesters 1 & 2 academic year 2022/2023 - open for applications
How to apply
We encourage you to apply as soon as possible as funded places are limited.
In line with funding requirements, whilst we will consider all applications from AHPs living in Ireland, funded places will be prioritised for those living/working in the ‘defined area’ of Northern Ireland and the 6 border counties of:
- County Monaghan
- County Sligo
- County Donegal
- County Leitrim
- County Louth
- County Cavan
Apply now and complete the application form on our online enrolment system.
Guidance for completing the online application form
Online application system
Go to the Ulster University Online Application System to apply online
Username and PIN
Create a Username (ie Login ID) and PIN (please ensure you make a note of these)
Your Username/Login ID must be unique to you and up to 9 characters (this is NOT your Student ID number).
Your PIN must be six numeric characters (remember these details as you will be able to save and return to your application as many times as you like before finally submitting it).
Application type
Underneath the table containing Application Descriptions, you’ll see a small heading, Application Types and a drop-down menu – select “Postgrad Home & EU” and click “continue”.
Select the “Academic Year 2021-2022”
Select the “Academic Year 2021-2022”, enter your name and then click on the “Fill Out Application” Tab.
10 checklist sections
You will see 10 checklist sections.
These sections on the form should be completed as follows.
When creating your application on our online application system, please note the specific requirements in red font to help you complete your application.
Programme choice
From the "Programme Choice" drop down menu, select “PG Credit Bearing Module, Life & Health, Part-time, Jordanstown”
Proposed Option
In the "Proposed Option box" enter the Module Title, PLEASE INSERT MODULE TITLE AND MODULE CODE (OTH/PTH XXX)
- Professional Development in Practice (OTH 701)
- Long Term Conditions (PTH 701)
- Global Health Care Perspectives (PTH 700)
- Entrepreneurial Leadership (OTH 700)
- Research Evidence in Health Science (OTH 814)
- Research Project Preparation (OTH 812)
- Dementia Care (Edinburgh Napier University)* new for 2022/23
Proposed Month & Year of Entry
In the Proposed Month & Year of Entry, enter one of the following depending upon which semester you wish to take your module:
Point of Entry
For "Point of Entry" enter YEAR 2
Computer type
Enter N/A in the box regarding computer type
Funding details
After you apply
Our Admissions team will reply to let you know if we can offer you a place.
Once we have received your application form you will be contacted via email with details regarding Online Enrolment.
This must be completed prior to commencing your studies.