Mark Potkewitz is Co-Director of the Legal Innovation Centre (LIC) at Ulster University, a centre that straddles the School of Law and the School of Computing, Engineering, and Intelligence Systems. The LIC explores the intersection of law and technology to offer tech-focused education and training, applied research, and targeted industry engagement.
He is a New York-licensed attorney and previously served as the Director of Policy for the Center for Urban Business Entrepreneurship at Brooklyn Law School, the Legal Technology Fellow at Brooklyn Law School and a Google Policy Fellow and Adjunct Fellow at the policy think tank, TechFreedom.
In Washington. D.C., he worked as a policy advocate focusing on U.S. federal legislative matters relating to privacy, technology, national security, intelligence, and defence. As a paralegal, he worked on civil and criminal litigation in the United States Courts of Appeals for the Fourth, Eighth, and District of Columbia Circuits.
His research interests are privacy, intellectual property, computational law, legal services delivery, and jurisprudence.