Marianna Espinós Blasco has a multidisciplinary profile. Her interests include: international law, gender, communication and peace and conflict studies.
Her doctoral project at the Transitional Justice Institute –also part of the Research Hub on Gender, Justice and Security (GCRF) – seeks to investigate the inclusion of the sexuality dimension in conflict and post-conflict settings, taking the UN Women, Peace and Security agenda as a case study.
The thesis will focus on how to overcome gender-binary approaches when analysing issues that fall under the scope of gender, peace and security studies, and on how to include aspects that lack critical attention, such as the experiences of sexual and gender minorities.
Before starting her PhD, Marianna was part of the international think tank European Institute of the Mediterranean (2021), working in the digital communications department.
Moreover, Marianna has a long experience in collaborating with grassroots and international organisations standing for human rights, sexual and reproductive rights, feminism and decolonial approaches.
Marianna holds an LL.M in Gender, Conflict and Human Rights (Transitional Justice Institute), and two graduate diplomas: one in Conflicts and Social Movements Communication and another one in Peace Culture (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). She has a bachelor’s degree in Communication.