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Events in this series

The Right to Childcare - Thursday 6 August, 10am

Around 350,000 workers in Northern Ireland have dependent children. Of these, around 70% have ‘intensive childcare requirements’.* The Executive has indicated that childcare is a critical priority as we exit lockdown and has allocated significant funds to support the reopening and recovery of the sector, alongside the publication of a Childcare Recovery Plan.

Domestic Abuse: When Home is Not a Safe Space - Thursday 13 August, 10am

Before COVID-19 hit domestic incidents in Northern Ireland were at a 15 year high. The situation has worsened since the enforcement of lockdown. Since 1 April 2020 the number of domestic abuse calls received by the PSNI has been consistently higher than average. Meanwhile, the long overdue Domestic Abuse and Family Proceedings Bill has been introduced to the NI Assembly by Justice Minister, Naomi Long.

Black Lives Matter: Protest and Pandemic - Thursday 20 August, 10am

Evidence is mounting that COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting people from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) Communities. One study shows that BAME people accounted for 63% of COVID-19 fatalities in health workers. While it is difficult to be definitive about why this is the case researchers have pointed to socio-economic factors playing a significant role in the greater exposure of BAME people to the virus.

Access to Justice: The Courts and Covid - Thursday 3 September, 10am

The lockdown response to Covid-19 has impacted severely on the Northern Ireland courts and tribunals system.

The normally busy court corridors, the face to face court hearings, the close physical proximity of conversations between lawyers and litigants have been replaced by the need to ensure social distancing and to maintain safety for those using and working in the court system. Inevitably there have been difficulties in finding new ways to enable the wheels of justice to keep turning.