What is Mooting?

A moot is an argument on points of law which aims to simulate, as far as possible, an authentic court hearing before a judge.

You will play the role of counsel and present your arguments in front of a judge whilst competing against another team. A successful mooter in one who manages to persuade the judge of the superiority of his or her legal arguments.

(Pictured  - Ben Lowry and Cerys Kennedy, winners of the 2019 competition, being presented with the trophy by Coroner Mr Joe McCrisken, after the final in the Nisi Prius Court, RCJ.)

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Why Moot?

Mooting enables you to:

  • Develop your understanding of the law
  • Engage with legal topics by researching and preparing legal arguments
  • Work closely with your teammates
  • Travel and meet students from other Universities in Northern Ireland, the Republic and the rest of the UK

These are intense and demanding events but highly rewarding, giving students a real insight into styles of legal argument that help them to appreciate the role of law in society, including its limitations and deficiencies.

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Our Moot courtroom is located at the Belfast campus.

Mooting Competitions

Mooting competitions provide essential experience and knowledge of a working courtroom, so why not enhance your knowledge and skills by taking part.

Ulster University Law School Mooting Competition

You will have to analyse a problem, research the law surrounding it, prepare written submissions and present an oral argument.

Most problems surround an area of law that is unsettled or subject to recent developments.

Law students are encouraged to participate in internal and external mooting competitions. Staff will help and guide you through the information and preparation.

Mooting is also incorporated in several modules throughout the undergraduate degree.

Other Competitions

Competitions in which Ulster University Law students took part in 2016-17, 17-18 included: