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We are delighted to announce our inaugural Open Research Conference at Ulster University on the 21st January 2025.
Our keynote speaker will be Prof Dermot Lynott (Maynooth University)- who will discuss his research findings on Open Research practices throughout Ireland. We will also hear from colleagues throughout the university who support open research practices.
But, we need you! We would love to hear about the great open research practices that you are engaged in these may be open-access publications, pre-registration, open data and code, or practice as research, etc.
If you would like to give a short talk at this event (15 mins), please complete an abstract submission form by the 8th of January. Your talk should focus on some area of open research that you have engaged with - Why did you do this? How did you do this? What were the benefits (and perhaps barriers) of engagement with open research practices?
We will aim to openly publish the abstracts online after the event.
Belfast Campus
2-24 York Street, Belfast, BT15 1AP
Event info
This event has ended
Tuesday 21 January
10am to 1pm