UUTemps is your gateway to access paid casual and part time roles on campus.
These roles will be wide and varied and could range from taking calls on one of the university helplines to undertaking a research project.
This is only available to current students of Ulster University and you can view and apply for UUTemps roles on Handshake.
Benefits of UUTemps?
- Access to flexible paid opportunities on campus that can fit around your studies
- The chance to meet students and staff in the university
- Opportunity to develop skills which will help in securing future employment
Check out our FAQs section for additional guidance.
Your questions answered
What is UUTemps?
UUTemps is the university's centralised service that provides part-time work opportunities for students across the university.
This initiative has been developed by Employability and Careers in partnership with People and Culture.
It aims to provide students with flexible recruitment opportunities that can fit around their studies and allow them to develop valuable employability skills.
What kind of roles will be available through UUTemps?
Roles will be wide and varied and will range from helping out on campus open days, working in IT support roles, to completing a short research project.
Positions can be on campus or remote.
How much will these roles be paid?
Most roles are paid at £12.50 per hour
Am I guaranteed a job through UUTemps?Am I guaranteed a job through UUTemps?
No, you will apply and the hiring manager/team will run a recruitment process to individual the successful candidate/s
How many hours per week can students work?How many hours per week can students work?
UUTemps roles will not be greater than 20 hours per week.
How many jobs can a student do?How many jobs can a student do?
There is no limit to the number of jobs, only the number of total hours you can work per week.