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Many graduates dream of working overseas after graduation.

Once you have taken time to consider the type of work/study you are interested in, the funds available and where you would like to go, you need to research the various options that are open to you.

Translating a vague wish into an international job can be difficult but there's a lot you can do to improve your chances.

Decide what country you want to work in and focus your energies on that market.

Check that you have the qualifications, skills, work experience and languages you will need and find out about any visa or work permit requirements in that country.

Finding work abroad can be time consuming - so remember to plan ahead.  The resources in this section provide a great starting point.

Working abroad: the benefits and the risks

  • What are the benefits of working internationally?
    • Employers love applicants with international experience and what it says about them and their 'get up and go' attitude they can bring to their organisation
    • You get to experience other cultures
    • It's an opportunity to improve a foreign language or even learn a new one
    • Living and working in another country is a great way of becoming independent
    • You are likely to build confidence, as well as skills such as communication, self reliance, adaptability, cultural awareness which you can sell to future employers
  • Are there any risks?
    • You may struggle on returning home to find work due to loss of connection with the local labour market and a lack of networking
    • Your international work experience may not be applicable to the job market when you return
    • If you spend too long travelling and working, employers might think that you can't settle down
    • You may find it hard to get challenging or rewarding work in another country
    • You might get bored or lonely once the novelty of being in a new country has worn off
    • You may struggle with language barriers or find it difficult to conform to local customs