Edge Award Portal

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You're Hired

You will gain these graduate attribute skills:

Digitally Fluent Professional Digitally Fluent Professional

Enhancing Potential Enhancing Potential

Personal Confidence & Resilience Personal Confidence & Resilience

Read about Graduate Attributes  

You're Hired is perfect for helping you build your confidence and competence for job seeking and recruitment processes

Outline of Activity

‘You’re Hired’ is a comprehensive programme designed to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to navigate the competitive job market successfully.

Over the course of three weeks, students will take part in engaging online and in person sessions covering topics such as:

  • Developing effective CVs and job applications and attending a CV masterclass
  • Understanding the art of networking, and becoming a ‘LinkedIn Legend’ to enhance their online presence.
  • Focusing on interview preparation, and in partnership with employers, students will be empowered to confidently showcase their strengths and secure career opportunities.

To find out about upcoming 'You're Hired' sessions check our events listing

Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  • Dearn how to identify and effectively communicate their strengths and achievements, enabling them to stand out to potential employers during the hiring process.
  • Understand the expectations and requirements of the job market.
  • Gain a deep understanding of the key elements of a successful CV and be able to create compelling and tailored CVs and job applications that effectively highlight their skills, experiences, and accomplishments.
  • Develop the ability to navigate professional networks by understanding the art of networking, building meaningful connections, and leveraging these relationships for career advancement.
  • Enhance their online presence by becoming proficient in using LinkedIn, ensuring that their profiles showcase their professional brand and attract potential employers.
  • Gain the skills and confidence needed to prepare for and excel in job interviews.
  • Develop the confidence to present themselves professionally, both online and in person.

Assessment Details

To achieve EDGE, students must:

1. Attend three You're Hired! sessions

  • Mastering Job Search and Applications (online)
  • Boost your online presence and become a LinkedIn Legend (online)
  • Elevate your Interview Skills (in person)

2. Complete the evaluation

Level of Commitment

Up to 15 hours


Laura Cranston

Employability Consultant

Employability Partnerships Team

Ulster University Sports Village


Graduate Attributes

Digitally Fluent Professional image

Digitally Fluent Professional

A student who displays this skill can:

  • confidently use and adapt digital devices, applications and services to suit task requirements
  • explore, evaluate and adapt subject specific and generic ICT solutions to professional tasks  and problems
  • operate safely and ethically in a digital world
Enhancing Potential image

Enhancing Potential

A student who displays this skill can:

  • identify development gaps and establish goals that are achievement focused
  • seek ongoing opportunities for personal and professional development
Personal Confidence & Resilience image

Personal Confidence & Resilience

A student who displays this skill can:

  • understand individual emotions and triggers
  • manage stress and stay composed in difficult situations
  • be resilient, adaptable and flexible when dealing with change or uncertainty