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The Digital laBorAtory (Communication)

You will gain these graduate attribute skills:

Effective Communicator Effective Communicator

Digitally Fluent Professional Digitally Fluent Professional

Read about Graduate Attributes  

Build strong verbal and digital communication skills for your future

Outline of Activity

Having strong verbal and digital communication skills will equip you with an ability to effectively convey your ideas and concepts, collaborate with others and succeed in professional life.

The ambition of this activity is to develop both verbal communication skills and skills aligned with preparing a presentation using a digital recording platform.

To gain credit for this activity you will be required to develop your knowledge of how to use a digital recording platform as well as verbal communication skills and evidence this by recording a vlog on a specified topic.

Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate knowledge of digital communication and the use of a digital recording platform

2. Communicate effectively using a digital delivery method

Assessment Details

Students will be required to:

  • View Blackboard hosted content relating to the importance of having good digital communication skills and how to create, edit and share content using a digital recording platform, completing a short quiz to demonstrate knowledge.
  • Participate in a workshop (either online or in-person) relating to the development of verbal communication and/or recording skills
  • Independently identify and review the techniques of at least one individual in relation to their approach to online/video communication
  • Produce a 3-minute elevator pitch using a digital recording platform to sell the concept of the digital laBorAtory project and why it is important for students within your own discipline area to develop a working knowledge of digital tools.

Indicative content for the elevator pitch

  • Clear personal introduction including name, course, career aspirations
  • What the digital laBorAtory project aims to achieve and why you wanted to be a part of it
  • The digital tools used in your discipline area and why they are important in achieving career goals and/or in your personal development
  • The professionalism of the vlog also needs to be considered including non-verbal aspects, presentation, visual background, noise, video quality and communication

Level of Commitment

20 hours


Register via this link

For more information please contact David Comiskey:


Graduate Attributes

Effective Communicator image

Effective Communicator

A student who displays this skill can:

  • show effective spoken and written communication skills in multiple forms and with a range of audiences
  • help resolve conflicts which may arise in a group dynamic
  • be an assertive and active listener
Digitally Fluent Professional image

Digitally Fluent Professional

A student who displays this skill can:

  • confidently use and adapt digital devices, applications and services to suit task requirements
  • explore, evaluate and adapt subject specific and generic ICT solutions to professional tasks  and problems
  • operate safely and ethically in a digital world