Edge Award Portal
Student sign-inYou will gain these graduate attribute skills:
Read about Graduate AttributesSchool/Department Reps and Faculty Reps are experienced Course Reps who have taken on the extra responsibility for your whole School/Department or Faculty.
With over 800 course reps spanning campuses, faculties and online learners, this next level of student representation leads the student voice at a School or Department level. Having already gained experience as course rep, School/Department reps provide a broader view of the student experience at Ulster. They meet with staff and their Students’ Union to progress issues past course level and pro-actively find resolutions and improvements to the student learning experience.
Build on and develop the skills gained as Course Rep:
Personally you will get a lot from knowing you have made a real difference and have had a positive impact on the learning experience of your course colleagues;
For more information rep role, or the accreditation process, contact Mandy Mulholland: m.mulholland@uusu.org
Some periods in the semester will be busier than others, depending on whether you have meetings or training to attend. Taking this into consideration you should probably expect to volunteer an average of one hour per week to the role (around 30 hours over the two semesters).
A student who displays this skill can:
A student who displays this skill can:
A student who displays this skill can:
A student who displays this skill can: