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Physical activity and exercise laboratory research skills work experience

You will gain these graduate attribute skills:

Subject Specialist Subject Specialist

Researcher Researcher

Growth Mindset Growth Mindset

Read about Graduate Attributes  

This activity is open to sports and psychology students. This activity will enable up to four 2nd year students accrue a minimum of 20 hours’ work experience in a physical activity/exercise research laboratory.

Outline of Activity

Successful applicants will need to demonstrate a basic knowledge and understanding of the testing procedures involved. The activity will include assisting research staff conduct both physiological and psychological tests on athletes. Physiological testing will include determination of maximal oxygen uptake and running efficiency. Psychological measures will include mood profiling, assessment of arousal and activation, determination of attentional focus and rating of perceived exertion during and after an exercise task.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate understanding of the theoretical disciplines underpinning human structure and function relevant to physical activity and exercise
  • Demonstrate understanding of how academic knowledge may be applied to physical activity in the real world
  • Understand the importance of scientific inquiry including evidence based practice and demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the principles of research design, data management, analysis and interpretation.
  • Reason scientifically, understanding the relationship between theory, hypothesis testing and evidence
  • Assess, organise and carry out practical activities, which facilitate the development of competencies for use in laboratory and intervention settings
  • Apply a broad range of skills and knowledge pertinent to working in laboratory settings communicating results to participants in an appropriate format
  • Demonstrate technical, interpersonal and entrepreneurial skills necessary to work ethically and effectively with individuals / teams in a laboratory setting
  • Apply in a ‘real world’ setting theories and skills studied previously by planning and facilitating activities aimed at investigating physical activity and exercise performance
  • Demonstrate greater personal awareness of individual strengths and weaknesses to reflect and plan strategies to enhance the meeting of learning needs and employability.
  • Use appropriate information technology to access and analyse data, and produce reports and
  • Develop skills in the collection and presentation of scientific information
  • Work as part of a collaborative team in a practical based activity
  • Utilise a range of strategies to develop independent learning and critical evaluation skills

Assessment Details

Coursework 1

Reflective diary – students will be expected to keep a portfolio in which they record their experience of their placement.

Students should record their activities at each testing session, including test methodologies and individual activity.

The completed portfolio should total 1000 words.

The expected content of the diary will be discussed with students at the pre-placement workshop, along with a copy of the marking criteria so that they know what is expected within the reflections. Students will be fully inducted on testing procedures during this workshop.

Students will receive formative feedback following their first posting which will indicate whether the postings are of the required content and standard.

Summative feedback will include the overall pass/fail along with an indication of the standard of the portfolio and lab-based activities.

Coursework 2

A brief (10 minute) presentation on the completed project, including an account of the student's professional skills developed during the presentation, and how the research activity might be useful to their career aspirations.

Guidelines for the composition of the presentation will be  provided.

Result will be a PASS or FAIL

Level of Commitment

20 hours to include:

  • Each testing session is expected to last 1 hour in duration.
  • Students are expected to be punctual, and dressed appropriately for a professional laboratory environment.
  • Testing will take place over the duration of Semester two (February to May).

Graduate Attributes

Subject Specialist image

Subject Specialist

A student who displays this skill can:

  • use a breadth and depth of knowledge
  • apply knowledge confidently
Researcher image


A student who displays this skill can:

  • display strong information literacy skills
  • absorb, evaluate, manage and organise information
  • find, research and grow knowledge
Growth Mindset image

Growth Mindset

A student who displays this skill can:

  • confidently explore new directions and take on new challenges
  • proactively make decisions and take responsibility for actions
  • encourage progress by assessing and taking risks