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Pharmacy - NICE Student Champion

This programme provides pharmacy students with an opportunity to build skills in finding best practice in health and social care, and to develop their teaching and presenting skills through sharing this knowledge with their fellow students.

Outline of Activity

The programme also allows pharmacy students to engage with NICE at a higher level and to explore opportunities to be involved with future developments at NICE Evidence Search and NICE in their future career.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the way NICE Evidence Search works
  • Discuss how to use the NICE Evidence Search effectively for any pharmacy therapeutic question
  • Demonstrate an understanding of what makes a good teaching session
  • Discuss the importance of evidence-based practice
  • Obtain and summarise information using key filtering techniques to draw a reasoned conclusion
  • Recognise the importance of planning teaching sessions to ensure success
  • Apply effective search techniques and strategies for pharmacy therapeutic related research
  • Demonstrate professional competence in presentation skills
  • Demonstrate effective facilitation techniques in ensuring successful workshop sessions
  • Demonstrate effective teaching skills
  • Demonstrate effective communicate skills using a range of formats and approaches
  • Successfully utilise IT resources to retrieve and organise information
  • Employ management and organisational skills to manage time and resources effectively
  • Work effectively both independently and as part of a group.

Assessment Details

Coursework 1

Reflective diary – students will be expected to keep a diary in which they record their experience of the NICE Student Champions Scheme and the debrief sessions. The diary will be a personal record in which the student will be encouraged to reflect and evaluate the NICE Student Champion experience.

Coursework 2

A report of the NICE Search session, outlining how the sessions were received, any difficulties encountered and additional feedback from students.

It should include:

  • a review of the NICE Student Champion training
  • the skills, knowledge, competencies acquired; the critical experiences encountered and their personal impact
  • identification of their personal contribution to the Scheme
  • analysis of the impact of the experience on how they perceive themselves and the impact on their future employability (at least 1000 words).


Result will be a PASS or FAIL

Level of Commitment

Over 100 hours to include


12 hours


4 hours

Independent Study(including assessment)

86 hours


Dr Susan Hawthorne

Senior Lecturer

School of Pharm. & Pharmaceut. Sc.

