Edge Award Portal

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Peer Mentoring- Optometry

As an Optometry peer mentors you would provide support and signposting to year 1 students.

Outline of Activity

The Optometry peer mentors will provide support and signposting to year 1 Optometry students in the areas of settling into university life, studying for assessments, preparing for interviews and building their CVs.

Learning Outcomes

The peer mentors will:

  • Talk to the Year 1 students about preparing for assessments and study skills.
  • Discuss the process of applying for pre-registration positions.
  • Inform the Year 1 students of what to expect in clinical modules and how to ensure that they are prepared for public facing clinics.
  • Advise the Year 1 Optometry students about university life (clubs and societies, sports centre, library resources, careers services etc.)

Assessment Details

The mentors will

  • Meet with the mentees four times during semester 2 (4x2 hours).
  • Keep a record of activities discussed and meet with the Course Director twice to feedback on the sessions (2x1 hour).
  • Organise an informal end of semester event for the mentees (walk around campus/coffee meet up before assessments in May/Q&A) (2 hours).
  • Maintain a record of activities (approximately one hour per week for 8 weeks).

Level of Commitment

20 hours
