Edge Award Portal

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Multi-Camera Television Production: Studio and Location

Screen Production students engage with various aspects of multi camera projects

Outline of Activity

Students will work in one, or more, of the three production phases in the creation and delivery of one, or more, multi-camera projects.

Students may also, work in one, or more, of the three production phases in the creation and delivery of single-camera material to be screened within multi-camera projects. Under supervision of staff and, where appropriate, final year students, students will engage in one or more departmental roles found within a live or as-live broadcast production.

Learning Outcomes

Students completing this EDGE activity will undertake one or more of the following learning objectives:

  • Assist in the research, design, development and, or, preparation for filming of a multi-camera project or projects. For clarity, this covers all departments during the pre-production phase.
  • Assist, as crew, in the delivery of a multi-camera project, or projects, as part of a production team. For clarity, this covers all departments specifically associated with filming days.
  • Engage with the technology required to create and deliver a live television programme.
  • Assist in the delivery of a screen project, or projects, in the post-production phase. For clarity, this section is intended to cover all departments typically associated with this phase and is not limited to editors. For example, producers involved in applications for student television and film festivals.

Assessment Details

Delivered programme. The quality of the onscreen material, and specifically your part in that material, is a major component in the assessment.

Written reflection (600 words). Reflect on the old skills you employed; new skills you acquired; areas for self-improvement and suggested path(s) to achieving these goals; areas for project’s improvement and suggested path(s) for achieving these goals.

Level of Commitment

Approximately 50 hours


For more information contact Mark Benson