Edge Award Portal

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Mind Your Mood - Mental Fitness

You will gain these graduate attribute skills:

Effective Communicator Effective Communicator

Personal Confidence & Resilience Personal Confidence & Resilience

Well-being Well-being

Growth Mindset Growth Mindset

Read about Graduate Attributes  

This activity is achieved through completing twenty hours of engagement with Mental Health initiatives through Student Support, Mind Your Mood and UUSU.

Outline of Activity

This activity is achieved through completing twenty hours of engagement with Mental Health initiatives through Student Support, Mind Your Mood and UUSU. This can be a combination of attendance to workshops (at least one workshop) and engaging in volunteering in a mental health initiative on campus, organised locally, or in the wider community.

Learning Outcomes

By completing the Mental Fitness EDGE activity, students will:

  • Increase personal knowledge and understanding of mental and emotional health and wellbeing
  • Be made aware of the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and promote this to other students through volunteering
  • Assist Student Support, Mind Your Mood or UUSU with mental health initiatives and engage in relevant campaigns
  • Be made aware of the different support services that they can link their peers into
  • Gain communication, leadership and team working skills through engaging in volunteering opportunities
  • Learn simple, practical skills to identify those suffering from mental health issues which can be applied to a workplace or classroom situation
  • Reflect on the importance of self-care and promote this through volunteering.

Assessment Details

Students will be required to fill in a log book with details of workshops attended, along with duration and a summary of what they learned. This will then be signed by their workshop facilitator. Students will log volunteering hours completed and have these verified by Student Support or Students'
Union staff members.

Once students have achieved up to twenty hours of engagement, they will fill in the 'Reflective Evaluation' section of their log book, where they will outline their learning from the workshops and volunteering, reflecting on how they can use this in a workplace situation.
Questions include:

  • Identify the skills/knowledge achieved through the workshops attended and how you can apply these in the future.
  • Outline below activities you participated in as a volunteer and what you learned from these experiences
  • How has participation in this activity increased your employability?

Level of Commitment

20 hours engagement to include:

  • At least 8 of these (ideally more) would involve volunteering at Mental Health initiatives by Student Support and Students Union throughout the year.
  • Students would be expected to engage fully with all workshops attended and reflect on what they have learned in their logbook, as well as to apply what they have learned to their engagement in welfare related volunteering opportunities.


Graduate Attributes

Effective Communicator image

Effective Communicator

A student who displays this skill can:

  • show effective spoken and written communication skills in multiple forms and with a range of audiences
  • help resolve conflicts which may arise in a group dynamic
  • be an assertive and active listener
Personal Confidence & Resilience image

Personal Confidence & Resilience

A student who displays this skill can:

  • understand individual emotions and triggers
  • manage stress and stay composed in difficult situations
  • be resilient, adaptable and flexible when dealing with change or uncertainty
Well-being image


A student who displays this skill can:

  • develop and maintain healthy relationships
  • recognise and promote positive mental health
  • manage physical well-being and lifestyle choices
Growth Mindset image

Growth Mindset

A student who displays this skill can:

  • confidently explore new directions and take on new challenges
  • proactively make decisions and take responsibility for actions
  • encourage progress by assessing and taking risks